Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 1110: Besieged

Suddenly, the sky and the earth changed color, and the sky shook.

Everyone's expressions changed, and then everyone thought of one thing.

The Baiyun Treasure was only unearthed for two hours.

It should be two hours now.

The Baiyun Treasure is about to disappear.

Ahhhh, they didn't get anything good from it at all, they were unwilling, unwilling.

The people in the Floating Cloud Palace and the people in the Xi Cang Temple were crying in disintegration.

It's just that they can't stop the disappearance of the Baiyun Treasure no matter what they collapse.

The entire palace swayed continuously, and finally sank slowly.

Until the entire palace disappeared, and all of them stood on the steep valley of the deserted Golden Horn Island.

In addition to those who entered the Baiyun Treasure, those who did not enter the Baiyun Treasure also stood not far away, staring at them all.

The people in the Floating Cloud Palace looked at Xiao Jiuyuan and Yun Qianyu with ugly faces, and suddenly shouted at those who were staring at them.

"A few of them have got a lot of treasures from the Baiyun Treasure. Everyone should grab them and get started."

"Grab it."

"They got a lot of babies."

As soon as the shout fell, several figures rushed over, surrounding Xiao Jiuyuan, Feng Wuya, and Yun Qianyu and others.

Xiao Jiuyuan, Feng Wuya, Yun Qianyu and others were surrounded by many people, and they all shouted coldly at them: "Boy, hand over the things, Raoer will not die, otherwise he will kill him..."

Xiao Jiuyuan's expression was indescribably gloomy, and he shouted in a deep voice, "You are really shameless enough to grab things grandiosely and shamelessly."

As soon as Xiao Jiuyuan's words fell, a cold voice rang out of the crowd.

"Who is shameless, if I guess it is right, the reason why your Tianqing students can successfully enter the Baiyun Treasure is because they stole our Canglong Academy's data map."

"Now you quickly hand over your things, otherwise my Canglong Academy will not give up."

The words of Canglong Academy refreshed the people around him and strengthened the plan to grab things.

Xiao Jiuyuan shouted coldly: "This thing was originally obtained by the predestined. You lost the data map, and it was our blame. Even if the data map was in your hands, could you keep it?? "

In a word, the faces of Canglong Academy were gloomy.

The leader waved his hand and ordered the players behind him: "Go on, kill them."

Several figures flashed straight towards Xiao Jiuyuan, Yun Qianyu and the others.

Outside the crowd, Luo Lishan from Tianqing Academy wanted to rush in. Who knew that when Luo Li moved, a hand behind him grabbed him.

Luo Li turned around and looked over, and saw Tao Yao who was holding him.

Tao Yao quickly said, "Boss, have you forgotten that the **** blasted us off the steps?"

When it comes to this, Luo Li's face is ugly.

But he wasn't trying to save that ugly monster, he was trying to save Yantian.

"I know you are trying to save Yantian, isn't he always good at it? Let them fight, and when they are exhausted, we will fight again, and this time they have entered the Baiyun Treasure. If we do, we must call them Just spit something out."

Tao Yao said fiercely, all the players behind her flashed a greedy light, and everyone persuaded Luo Li.

"Yes, depending on what they are arrogant, let them deal with it themselves."

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