Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 115: Two people face off

Xiao Jiuyuan's body was stiff subconsciously, all the hairs on his body stood upside down, and his back was cold.

His face was indescribably ugly, and his pupils were full of strong hostility, staring at Yun Qianyu gloomily.

Yun Qianyu stared back at Xiao Jiuyuan coldly, and said sarcastically: "Prince Li, you won't blame me again, I shouldn't be close to you, I shouldn't let you see my face, everything is mine It’s wrong. Okay, people like me are wrong no matter what they do. Tell me how you plan to punish me."

Although it was extremely stubborn and arrogant words, but there was a touch of absolute determination in the words.

Xiao Jiuyuan frowned and looked at her. He was supposed to punish her, but seeing this woman's decisiveness, he couldn't bear to punish her.

Judging from her appearance, it really doesn't look like a fine worker or a spy. If this woman is a fine worker and a spy, then she is definitely a master of acting.

"When the king asks you, you must answer the truth. Remember, this is your only chance. If you lie, let this king know that you lied to this king in the future, this king will never spare you lightly. "

Yun Qianyu ignored him, but fixedly looked at him.

Xiao Jiuyuan said with an addictive voice, "Are you really Yun Qianyu?"

Yun Qianyu was about to ridicule this guy. He wouldn't check if she was Yun Qianyu. She wants to see how capable he is, and can find out that she is not Yun Qianyu.

But she hadn't spoken out yet, Xiao Jiuyuan spoke again: "Now this king gives you a chance to confess, whether you are Yun Qianyu or not, but as long as you don't harm this king's heart, this king can ignore you pretending to be Yun Qianyu. If you don’t talk about it now, this king will find out in the future, this king will surely cut you a thousand times."

Speaking of the last sentence, Xiao Jiuyuan's murderous aura and strong hostility spread throughout the entire hall.

This was enough for Yun Qianyu to understand that Xiao Jiuyuan was murderous, and if he finally proved that she was not Yun Qianyu, he would definitely kill her.

But she is indeed Yun Qianyu, even if she is just a touch of soul from another world, who says she is not Yun Qianyu, she is Yun Qianyu, and Yun Qianyu is her.

So Yun Qianyu sneered with her lips: "Prince Li, I think you'd better go and check it. Don't always be suspicious. This will make me very confused."

After hearing Yun Qianyu's words, Xiao Jiuyuan's eyes flashed brightly, like a sword out of its sheath, he said coldly: "I hope you don't regret the decision you made today."

Yun Qianyu replied loudly and loudly: "Never regret it..."

She was originally Yun Qianyu, what regrets.

But she didn't want to be with this guy anymore, she was fed up with this guy's capriciousness.

But even if she left, she still wanted to get some silver tickets. She didn't forget that the purpose of coming today was to get the silver tickets.

What she has to do now is to become stronger and stronger, and she will no longer be controlled by others.

This feels really uncomfortable.

Yun Qianyu thought, raised his eyes and looked at Xiao Jiuyuan on the opposite side, and asked in a deep voice: "Master, you can't give me my silver bill, I will take a photo for Xisui Pill tomorrow."

Xiao Jiuyuan had already reduced his hostility at this time, the whole person was unable to tell the lazy charm, that graceful appearance, it is difficult to be indifferent, but it does not include Yun Qianyu, Yun Qianyu is really full of this man now Full of disgust.

But Xiao Jiuyuan ignored these at all, he just said lazily: "Give this king a reason for you to buy Xisui Pill."

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