Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 1151: Death situation

"Yes, Tianqing Academy has a state of death. In the state of death, there are not only powerful monsters and various institutions set by the academy, but also enter the state of death. If you can't break the tenth stage of death, you can't get out of death. However, as long as we enter the state of death, we don’t have to worry about practice. We can practice in the shortest time, then practice, then practice, then practice."

"In this way, the spiritual strength cultivation base will improve rapidly, and we will become stronger very quickly."

"It's just that there is one of the most fatal weaknesses when entering the state of death, that is, a careless one will be broken."

"Therefore, almost no one in Tianqing Academy has entered the death situation, and finally this place was closed."

"If we tell the dean that we are going to die, the dean will definitely agree to let us in."

After Ziyi finished speaking, Yun Qianyu's heart was completely moved. She can't go out for practice now, and her spiritual strength is not fast. People from the Azure Dragon family have been chasing her. If she enters the state of death, she will come out again. Extremely strong, even if you can't deal with the Azure Dragon family immediately, you will never run around like a dog of the bereavement when you encounter a powerful person.

But why did Ziyi tell her such an important thing.

Yun Qianyu raised his eyes and looked at Ziyi suspiciously: "Why did you tell me such a thing?"

"Because we all desire to be strong, we are one kind of people."

After Ziyi finished speaking, he calmly said, "Are you willing to try it?"


Yun Qianyu was about to speak, and there was a swoosh behind him, and someone slammed and shot over. Gu Yao who was beside Yun Qianyu quickly yelled, "Boss."

The person here was Xiao Jiuyuan.

As soon as Xiao Jiuyuan saw Ziyi staying with Yun Qianyu, his expression was bad. After he sprinted to Yun Qianyu's side, he quickly protected Yun Qianyu, looking at the opposite Ziyi, and shouted in a deep voice.

"Zi Yi, what do you want to do?"

Yun Qianyu quickly stretched out his hand to pull Xiao Jiuyuan, and said warmly: "He didn't embarrass me, on the contrary, he helped me unexpectedly."

"What do you mean?"

Xiao Jiuyuan turned around and looked at Yun Qianyu. Yun Qianyu pointed at Ziyi and said: "Someone chased me before, and he unexpectedly helped me and scared those people away."

"Are you sure that those people weren't tricks he made, they weren't tricks he used to get caught up."

Xiao Jiuyuan made it clear that he didn't believe in Zi Yi, and the opposite Zi Yi heard it, and raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "You have this heart to doubt others, so why don't you clean up all the people in your family."

Ziyi's words clearly show that the person who chased Yun Qianyu before was a member of the Azure Dragon family.

Xiao Jiuyuan thought about the people from the Azure Dragon family who wanted to take him back to the family, but he finally refused.

But what he is worried about now is another matter. Although he is currently a three-star spirit king, the two elders who came before are all at the spirit emperor level.

If they do, there must be a way to take him away.

If he is taken back to the family, what will Yuer do?

No, he cannot be taken back by them.

At this moment, Xiao Jiuyuan's heart was unspeakably suffering, and he desperately wanted to become stronger.

Xiao Jiuyuan was silent, Yun Qianyu on one side thought about the death situation, she quickly spoke and looked at Xiao Jiuyuan.

"Xiao Jiuyuan, I just heard Ziyi mentioned that there is a place in Tianqing Academy, the state of death. I heard that people who practice in the state of death practice extraordinary speed. There are various experiences in the state of death. We don't need us anymore. Find a place to experience something."

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