Xiao Jiuyuan listened to Yun Qianyu's words and raised his head to look at her. Although the woman's face was covered with red scars and looked very hideous, she was not humbled because of this. On the contrary, she was neither humble nor humble.

Just ask how many women in the world can do this calmly.

This character alone is enough to make people admire.

Xiao Jiuyuan suddenly said: "Okay, tomorrow you can take a pill for washing the marrow."

Xiao Jiuyuan's words made Yun Qianyu a little dazed. She originally prepared a large set of rhetoric, but she didn't expect this guy to agree.

So this guy's temperament has always been capricious.

Yun Qianyu didn't bother to care about his capricious temperament, she just wanted to get the silver as soon as possible, lest he repented again, and quickly reached out.

"Silver ticket."

Xiao Jiuyuan looked at her hand, did not move, but said solemnly: "Tomorrow this king will also go to the Xuantian auction house. When that happens, you just need to take the picture. Someone will pay for it. You want the money now. Do you know how much money will be taken tomorrow?"

Yun Qianyu's face is full of gloom, and he really wants to ruin this person's face. I don't know how much money to shoot. Wouldn't you give more money?

She has more than seven hundred thousand taels of silver on him, even if you give two hundred thousand taels, even if the marrow pill is precious, it won't go beyond the two hundred thousand taels of silver, it will be two hundred thousand taels. Not a small number.

"Master, you just need to give me more, and I won't bother you to let people pay."

"Hehe, are you vetoing this king's words?"

Xiao Jiuyuan's phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and a frightening glow hit Yun Qianyu's face.

Yun Qianyu was afraid that this person would be annoyed, and would not agree with her to take the Xisui Pill, so he quickly said: "How can I veto the prince's words, mainly because I am afraid of trouble with the prince, that will make me feel bad.

Yun Qianyu said seriously, as if he really didn't want to trouble Xiao Jiuyuan, but it was a pity that Xiao Jiuyuan didn't believe her at all.

Originally, he just said casually, because he happened to be going to the auction house tomorrow. Since she wants to shoot something, just pay her.

But he didn't expect Yun Qianyu to ask for a silver ticket. She wanted a silver ticket. How could he do what she wanted, so he didn't give it.

"This king is not afraid of trouble, just afraid of facing an ugly face."

Xiao Jiuyuan admired himself a little bit now. He was able to face this woman's ugly face for so long. If anyone showed up in front of him with this face in the past, he would have slapped this woman to death.

But now facing Yun Qianyu for such a long time, it is really not easy for him to tolerate it.

But even so, he didn't want to see this face.

"You can go. Tomorrow you can just go to the auction house."

Xiao Jiuyuan gave the cold command, Yun Qianyu's heart was unspeakable, but there was nothing he could do. Xiao Jiuyuan was always arbitrary and would not change what he said easily, so it didn't make sense to stay by herself, she still left. Right.

I hope Xiao Jiuyuan will not change her mind tomorrow or go to the auction house. If this is the case, she will never believe this man's words for the rest of her life.

Yun Qianyu thought about saying hello to Xiao Jiuyuan, and walked out, only to find that her legs were weak. She hadn’t eaten for a whole day in order to ask for a cash ticket from Xiao Jiuyuan, and now she was so hungry that she was dizzy and weak. Yes, the road is almost immobile.

Unexpectedly, a dime did not arrive. Thinking of this, Yun Qianyu feels sad.

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