The woman Huang Ling saw the violent giant fist attacked with thunder, lightning, and rain. She hurriedly used her spiritual power and quickly avoided. But the power of Qing Ling was too great. Even if she avoided the violent Thunder Fist, she was still caught Qing Ling's spiritual power fluctuations slammed into the air fiercely, and smashed a few meters away with a boom, smashing a big hole.

The woman spit out a mouthful of blood again with a wow, and when she fell back, she couldn't move.

Yun Qianyu in the carriage saw that the woman Huang Ling was severely wounded, and did not dare to delay any longer, and hurriedly shouted into the dark behind him: "You are not coming out yet, is it possible that you have to wait for me to be killed." Come out again."

As soon as her voice fell, in the silent dark night, several black shadows rushed straight to the carriage like lightning, and in the blink of an eye they fell outside Yun Qianyu's carriage.

The two people headed, one is Bai Yao, the other is Xiao Yechen.

As soon as Xiao Yechen appeared, he asked Yun Qianyu concerned: "Feather, are you okay."

Yun Qianyu was surprised. She knew that Xiao Jiuyuan would definitely send someone to stare at her in the dark, in case someone killed her and made his reputation worse, but she did not expect Xiao Yechen to come over.

Yun Qianyu lifted the curtain and looked out, and asked Xiao Yechen strangely: "Why are you here?"

Xiao Yechen said with a light smile: "My Uncle Nine Emperor Gods sent me to protect you."

Yun Qianyu twitched the corner of his mouth. Would Xiao Jiuyuan send Xiao Yechen over to protect her? That's strange, this must be because Xiao Yechen was worried about her, so he came to help her.

However, Yun Qianyu did not continue this topic. She quickly pointed to the black-clothed man on the opposite side and said: "Be careful, the headed black-clothed man on the opposite side turned out to be the fifth-order green spirit."

Bai Yao and Xiao Yechen were surrounded by cold frost, and their pupils were full of chill.

Tier 5 Qingling, this is a big deal, how ordinary people can afford Qingling's subordinates, the people behind this seem to have a lot of background.

However, even if the man in black on the opposite side is a fifth-order Qingling, Bai Yao is not afraid of him, and he orders in a steep, solemn voice: "Go on, take them down."

After he finished talking, he flashed straight to the black-clothed man on the opposite side, and Xiao Yechen behind him also rushed forward to kill.

Yun Qianyu hurriedly called him: "You help me rescue the injured woman."

"Okay," Xiao Yechen dashed and went straight to the woman who was injured by the man in black, and in the blink of an eye she fell to Huang Ling's woman. He stretched out his hand and threw the injured woman onto Yun Qianyu's carriage.

Yun Qianyu hurriedly caught the injured woman, Xiao Yechen turned and went straight to the people in black.

The black-clothed assassins that appeared tonight, in addition to one green spirit strong, there are also two green spirit strong, this is really big enough.

However, Xiao Jiuyuan’s subordinates have two middle-level green spirits, and Xiao Yechen is a low-level Huang Ling. Although their spiritual power is not as strong as the people in black, they are better than the spiritual power they use. The strong green spirits and the strong green spirits on the opposite side fought equally.

As for the other black-clothed assassins, they were not Xiao Jiuyuan's opponents. Those who were killed early were killed and caught.

The strong green spirit among the black-clothed assassins watched his subordinates slumped, and did not dare to fall in love again. He shook his figure, retreated quickly, and walked away.

The two Green Spirit’s men hurriedly followed. Bai Yao, who was behind him, saw his face sinking and waved his fingers. A large gust of wind and rain went straight to the strong green spirit. The complexion of the strong blue spirit changed drastically. Seeing the great formation enveloping them like Mount Tai, he shouted steeply: "A full blow."

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