Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 1244: Deadly pill

Yun Qianyu's expression became more and more ugly. She stretched out her hand and grabbed the cleaner, and asked in a deep voice, "Where is the Dulong Peak, take me right away."


The man was frightened by Yun Qianyu's appearance, and he kept struggling.

Xiao Jiuyuan stretched out his hand and opened Yun Qianyu's hand, turned around and said in a deep voice, "We are for the good of Master Du Long. If we don't rush to the Dulong Peak immediately, I'm afraid there will be a problem. You can let someone take us there."

This subordinate was still hesitating, Yun Qianyu couldn't help snarling anxiously.

At this time, she didn't care about what happened to Master Du Long, but worried that the old man would be killed by the strong medicinal properties of the pill.

"Didn't you hear? If we don't rush to Dulong Peak immediately, you will definitely be killed by Master Du Long."

At this time, the person was taken aback, and then quickly said: "Dulong Peak is only two hills away from here, but I don't know where it is, but Master Wu Xian knows."

"Master Du Long previously told him to stay in the valley to entertain guests."

"Look, look for it at once, hurry up, or something happens and you all will die."

If Master Du Long accidentally killed the old man by accident, he would have a hard time, and Qixiagu’s subordinates would not have a good time.

Yun Qianyu screamed anxiously, but the subordinate dared not delay, and ran to find someone.

Xiao Jiuyuan and Yun Qianyu followed him all the way to find someone.

The next person in front looked all the way and called, "Wonderful son, where are you, flawless son?"

Many people in the valley were alarmed by the movement, all of them looked up, and then worriedly asked the people around them: "What happened?"

Xiao Jiuyuan and Yun Qianyu ignored the others, and followed them all the way to find the flawless son.

There was no flawless son on the road, but Xia Lao.

Seeing their expressions, Old Xia couldn't help but feel anxious: "What happened?"

Yun Qianyu quickly asked, "Have you seen that flawless son? We are looking for him in a hurry."

When Old Xia heard this, he immediately pointed to a place not far behind him: "Where is the son of no time to entertain the guests? I will take you there."

Old Xia didn't dare to ask more, and quickly led the way, blinking and shooting out a few meters away.

Xiao Jiuyuan and Yun Qianyu followed him and shot out all the way.

But they didn't go far, they saw a lot of people in the medicine garden in front.

Among them is a young man in white clothes, Qingjun, who is explaining the effects of medicinal materials to the guests around him.

As soon as Old Xia saw him, he called out: "The flawless son, the flawless son."

Young Master Wu Xian raised his head and looked over, seeing Xiao Jiuyuan and Yun Qianyu looking anxious.

The flawless son couldn't help being stunned, then let go of the people around him, walked over and asked concerned: "What happened?"

Yun Qianyu Gu Buduo said, "Did Master Du Long go to Toxic Dragon Peak?"

The Flawless Young Master squinted slightly, and then nodded: "Yes, the master will go out for a trip and will be back soon."

"Hurry up and take us to Poison Dragon Peak, otherwise it will be too late. The Revival Pill refined by Master Du Long cannot be taken by his mentor."

After Yun Qianyu finished speaking, the flawless son was shocked, and quickly said, "What's the matter?"

Yun Qianyu knew that if he didn't make it clear, this flawless young man would not take them to Poison Dragon Peak.

So she quickly said: "Master Du Long's mentor, the body function is in an extremely weak state, the death resurrection pill is a strong pill, if it is taken directly, it will directly kill his mentor."

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