Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 129: Hibiscus

Little Bell laughed, rushed to Yun Qianyu's body, and hugged Yun Qianyu's waist affectionately: "Sister Yun, you are so kind to me, I like you, especially you."

Yun Qianyu stretched out the collar of Little Bell and pulled her away from her embrace. She was not used to being so affectionate with others.

Little Bell didn't care at all, and rushed over again, which would change his arms around his arms and sway.

"Sister Yun, I will definitely listen to you in the future. Don't drive me away, okay."

Yun Qianyu shook his head unbearably, "I see, we are going to eat soon, aren't you hungry?"

When she heard something to eat, Little Bell's eyes flashed wolfishly, and she flashed out happily and rushed out: "I have eaten something."

The black lines on Yun Qianyu's face, she remembered that someone ate so much food last night, is this hungry again? Yun Qianyu only felt that his head was full of gold stars.

By the time she walked to the main hall of Zizhuxuan without hurries, Little Bell was already eating happily.

Yun Qianyu didn't bother to pay attention to her, but looked at Thrush and said, "You should also pick a suit and find two pieces of jewelry to wear."

"Ah," Shumei looked frightened, and shook his head quickly: "Miss, don't let it go, the slave and maid are comfortable wearing them."

Yun Qianyu gave her a white look: "I'm going to the Xuantian auction house today. You are embarrassing young lady by dressing like this."

"Oh, that's it," Thrush was worried, but she was really not used to letting her wear such good clothes. On the contrary, Xiaoling was very comfortable in dressing. At first glance, she was used to wearing such good clothes.

"Then the slave and maid will go elsewhere to find a set of clothes that the maid wears to wear."

Yun Qianyu glared at her: "If you ask you to go, why do you say so much?"

Thrush did not dare to speak anymore. She knew Yun Qianyu said that she was unique. If she said more about it, the lady would become angry. Thrush hurried to choose a set of clothes to put on, but in the end she did not choose any jewelry. Yun Qianyu left her alone. Up.

After the three of them had breakfast, they left Zizhuxuan.

Along the way, Yun Qianyu attracted a lot of attention. Yun Qianyu's face was covered with white gauze, she wore a sky-lake blue smoked rose skirt, and she wore white jade jewelry on her head. Together with the cool and indifferent charm, she was as attractive as a lotus in the water. Sight.

The little bell beside her was indescribably charming and cute, and the thrush looked a little uneasy, but it was still much brighter than usual.

Such a trio attracted all the attention in an instant, watched them leave one by one, and then had a good discussion.

Generally speaking, why the eldest lady is so temperamental, even if her face is ruined, she is like a hibiscus flower in the water.

Yun Qianyu didn't bother to pay attention to these people, and led the little bell and thrush on the carriage of Yongning Houfu, and went to Xuantian Auction House.

Xuantian Auction House is the most famous auction house in East Li Kingdom. Apart from Dong Li Kingdom, there are also several branches in other countries.

Every month, they will auction a batch of valuable treasures, ranging from various spirit beasts to small medicinal pills, including spirit crystals and artifacts. In short, there are many in every auction. Good thing, this makes the monthly auction of Xuantian Auction House very successful.

When Yun Qianyu and Xiao Lingdang and the others arrived, there were already a lot of people in front of the Xuantian Auction House. They were not in a hurry to enter the auction house. Instead, they came together in twos and threes to talk. Because there was still a while before the shooting, everyone Three in one party and five in a group get together to chat gossip.

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