Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 136: Ignore King Xuan

Why did Xiao Jiuyuan protect Yun Qianyu?

Many people can’t figure it out. In fact, many of the ladies present today wanted to marry Xiao Jiuyuan. Unfortunately, no one had a high look at Xiao Jiuyuan. Xiao Jiuyuan always hated women and didn’t like how close they were to women. Later, he was pointed out by the emperor. Married, four fiancees died in a row.

Many people dare not marry him.

However, although he dare not marry, everyone thinks that among people like Xiao Jiuyuan, Dragon and Phoenix are generally inferior to any woman, let alone defending which woman, but now he is defending Yun Qianyu. This face is ruined. woman.

Everyone couldn't understand what was going on, but they didn't dare to say a word.

Twenty slaps were quickly over, Jiang Yudie was completely speechless, her face was horribly swollen, her eyes were flushed, and the big one fell down, and her face was full of horror.

Xiao Jiuyuan is terrible, he is a monster.

Xiao Jiuyuan ignored anyone, only looked at Yun Qianyu, and slowly said, "Let's talk, what happened?"

Yun Qianyu said calmly: "Miss Jiang said that my second sister was wronged. She is kind and innocent. Someone planted and framed her. Unfortunately, the one who planted and framed her is me."

"Can there be evidence?"

Xiao Jiuyuan's dark magnetic voice revealed a bloodthirsty murderous intent.

Not far away, Jiang Yudie felt a huge panic again. She was indescribably scared, and her body trembled so much. No, she regretted it, she regretted it.

It's a pity that no one heard Jiang Yudie's prayer, and everyone's attention was on Xiao Jiuyuan and Yun Qianyu.

Yun Qianyu was calm and indifferent from start to finish, and said slowly: "Do you think she will have any evidence, but I didn't do anything."

Xiao Jiuyuan nodded slightly, and then said viciously: "If you don't have any evidence, you dare to slander the future Princess Li casually. Doesn't you put my Prince Li's mansion in your eyes?"

After Xiao Jiuyuan finished speaking, Jiang Yudie struggled to crawl out: "No, Lord, I should die, I shouldn't talk nonsense."

It's a pity that Xiao Jiuyuan doesn't look at her at all. Jiang Yudie is like an ant in Xiao Jiuyuan's eyes. Xiao Jiuyuan directly ordered: "Come on, pull this **** down and hit 30 boards. After the fight, send it to Jiang Mansion and ask Ask Master Jiang, is he provoking this king?"

As soon as he said this, Jiang Yudie's eyes went black and he passed out directly.

Xiao Jiuyuan's Bai Yao waved his hand, and someone lifted Jiang Yudie out to play the board, and then sent it back to Jiang Mansion.

In front of the Xuantian Auction House, Xiao Jiuyuan finished dealing with Jiang Yudie, cast a cold look at Yun Qianyu, but stopped talking, raised his foot and walked towards Xuantian Auction.

The prince Xiao Tianyu, Xiao Yechen and others also walked over. When Xiao Yechen passed by Yun Qianyu's side, he whispered: "Feather, go, go in."

Yun Qianyu nodded his head, led the small bell and thrush and others to follow, and walked all the way to Xuantian Auction.

The people behind him finally breathed a sigh of relief, thinking of the punishment Jiang Yudie had been punished earlier, all turned and walked in with pale faces.

At the same time, many people secretly wondered why Xiao Jiuyuan had not returned Yun Qianyu's marriage, and now he is still taking action to defend her.

What the **** is going on here.

Everyone couldn't figure it out, and finally everyone walked into the Xuantian Auction House one after another.

Xiao Tianyi, the king of Xuan who fell behind the crowd, had an unreadable expression on his face, and Yun Qianyu did not look at him from beginning to end.

For some reason, he really wanted to catch up and stop her.

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