Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 139: Got angry somehow

There was no movement in the private rooms on the second floor. Everyone was waiting for the things below, because the farther back, the better the things, so no one was in a hurry to bid for the things in front.

Although purple blood ganoderma is good, it is not uncommon for people in the four major families, so no one moved.

On the contrary, in the most central private room on the second floor, Yun Qianyu looked out with a little jealousy.

Purple blood Ganoderma lucidum can replenish qi and blood. If people lose too much blood, they will get immediate effect after taking it. Even if it is not a pill, the effect will not be too bad.

Yun Qianyu was watching. Xiao Yechen, who was sitting in the elegant room, couldn't help but ask: "Feather, are you fancy this purple-blooded Ganoderma lucidum? If you fancy it, one by one."

After Xiao Yechen finished speaking, Yun Qianyu immediately shook his head. What she came to buy today was Xiusui Pill, and she did not insist on Purple Blood Ganoderma.

Yun Qianyu retracted his gaze and looked at Xiao Yechen: "No, wait a minute, I think there must be good things behind."

Xiao Yechen nodded: "That's true, many good things are behind."

The three people were talking, and the asking price downstairs had reached ten thousand taels.

However, Yun Qianyu's attention was no longer on the Purple Blood Ganoderma, but instead on the assassin who assassinated her before. I wonder if Xiao Yechen and the others have found out the hidden instructor behind the man in black.

"Xiao Yechen, how is the trial of the assassin who assassinated me before? Have you found out who is behind them?"

Xiao Yechen shook his head: "The real messenger was not found, but a piece of news was found that these people are the killers of the Soulchaser Pavilion. Someone paid to hire them to kill people. The Nine Emperors Uncle has already sent someone to investigate. Who is the one who spends money and hires the murderer?"

Yun Qianyu nodded slightly: "The strong green spirit and the strong green spirit are also from the soul chasing pavilion."

Xiao Yechen shook his head: "Those three are not from the Soul Chasing Pavilion."

Yun Qianyu's eyes were dim, and he seriously thought about who actually bought the killer of the Soulchaser Pavilion to kill her.

Suddenly she thought of the Liu family from the Yongning Hall. She remembered the harsh and solemn look Liu looked at her. It was really not like a woman in the house.

Yun Qianyu raised his head to look at Xiao Yechen, and said in a deep voice, "You send someone to secretly check the Liu clan of Yongning Houfu to see if there is anyone behind her."

Yun Qianyu's words fell, and Xiao Yechen was startled: "You wouldn't say that the assassin was sent by Mrs. Yongning Hou, right? This is unlikely. If she sent it out, how could she have it in her hands? The strong green spirit and the strong green spirit, even if Yongning Hou Yunlei, I am afraid that there is no such powerful master around him."

Yun Qianyu shook his head: "I don't know if the strong green spirit and the strong green spirit belong to the Liu family, but I think the Liu family is not easy, and we can't take it lightly."

After Yun Qianyu finished speaking, Xiao Yechen nodded immediately: "Okay, then let's turn around and let people check."

After he finished speaking, he remembered that there was Xiao Jiuyuan in the room, and turned around and said, "Uncle Nine Emperor Gods, who do you think should be sent?"

Xiao Jiuyuan's eyes were extremely dark, and the cold chill vented from his eyes, which was a bit colder than usual.

After Xiao Yechen realized something, his Nine Emperors Uncle seemed to be angry? Who provoke him.

He turned around and looked at Yun Qianyu, what happened to this person?

Yun Qianyu shrugged directly, saying that he didn't know.

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