Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 1408: Worried

Xiao Jiuyuan and Yun Qianyu were directly charged into the lake by the shaking force.

Feng Wuya behind him, and the members of the four major families on the shore of the lake, all moved and shot over.

Trying to hold Xiao Jiuyuan and Yun Qianyu.

It was just that the lake suddenly raised huge waves, and the palace that appeared before shook from side to side.

In the end, even the man and the palace disappeared.

There were only a few people left in the lake. These people looked back and forth, and then someone shouted out: "Emperor, Lord Emperor is gone."

"Yes, where is the Lord Emperor?"

"This is how to do?"

Everyone in the lake screamed in panic.

Unfortunately, Xiao Jiuyuan and Yun Qianyu have long since disappeared.

There was a panic outside, and at this time Xiao Jiuyuan and Yun Qianyu had entered the Dragon Palace early. It's just that the two separated.

The two originally grasped each other firmly, but they were separated by the tremendous momentum. In the panic, Yun Qianyu stretched out his hand and grasped one person's hand tightly, thinking it was Xiao Jiuyuan's hand, but waited for her to open it. Behind his eyes, he realized that it was not Xiao Jiuyuan's hand that he was holding, but Feng Wuya's hand.

When Yun Qianyu saw Feng Wuya, he couldn't help but cried out in worry, "Where is Xiao Jiuyuan, Xiao Jiuyuan."

Looking at her like this, Feng Wuya couldn't help but twitched in distress, but he didn't show it and calmed her carefully: "Don't worry, Xiao Jiuyuan will be fine."

"Where are we?"

Yun Qianyu looked around and found himself in a dark passage, but even though it was a dark passage, the corner of the passage was dotted with Ye Mingzhu, so there was still a faint light shining.

She struggled slowly to get up, looked around the tensor, and then suddenly thought that she might be in the Dragon Palace right now.

If this is the case, then she can find Feng Xuan Ling, thinking of this, she finally became happy.

"Feng Wuya, we may have fallen into the Dragon Palace."

"should be."

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go to Feng Xuanling as soon as possible."

Yun Qianyu lifted her foot and walked to the front of the passage, but soon she discovered that there was a mechanism in the Dragon Palace. .

However, the agency couldn't trouble her, because she had encountered such secret tunnels before, so they couldn't trouble her.

After avoiding the secret path of the organs, Yun Qianyu opened a certain stone room in the Longteng Hall, and at a glance saw a lot of treasures displayed in the stone room, she couldn't help but stepped forward to check, to see if she could find Feng Xuan Ling.

Feng Wuya followed her all the time, watching her reach out to get those treasures, and hurriedly called out, "Yu'er, don't touch it."

Yun Qianyu stopped, and Feng Wuya quickly said, "In case there are organs under these treasures."

Yun Qianyu nodded slightly, instead of touching it with his hands, he carefully checked the baby on the shelf.

"Wind Demon Hammer, Yunxian wishful step, Xuanbing breaks the palm of God..."

Yun Qianyu looked down one by one, but after looking around, he didn't find Feng Xuan Ling.

She couldn't help but stood up in disappointment and turned around to look at Feng Wuya: "There is no Feng Xuan order, let's go, let's look elsewhere."

In addition to looking for Feng Xuanling, Xiao Jiuyuan was also looking for.

I don't know what happened to Xiao Jiuyuan, if he fell into the Dragon Palace before, did he fall into the organ?

Yun Qianyu was worried and looked elsewhere, while Feng Wuya behind him carefully watched the movement around him, fearing that Yun Qianyu would have hit the secret path mechanism.

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