Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 1433: Hand over people

Yun Qianyu said indifferently: "Whatever you want."

After she finished speaking, she yawned and stood up and went to the inner sanctuary: "I will go back to my room and go to sleep.

Ye Jia hurriedly helped her walk to the inner hall, and she reminded her as she walked: "Yu'er, you can remember what you said, I don't allow you to hurt yourself like this anymore."

"Since I have promised you, I won't cherish my body again."

The two people talked all the way to the inner temple.

After Ye Jia settled down with Yun Qianyu, he immediately left the inner hall to find Qinglong.

Qinglong was sent by the emperor to guard the enchantment. No matter what they want, they can tell Qinglong that he will send in what they need.

Ye Jia called, and Qinglong walked in outside.

Ye Jia looked at Qinglong, resentful for Xiao Jiuyuan in her heart. She raised her eyes and looked at Qinglong and said, "I told you not to need anything, but to report to your emperor and let him let my cousin out of this enchantment because of her. pregnant."

Qinglong's face was stunned, thinking that he had heard it wrong, and finally seeing Ye Jia's serious expression, he was sure that he had not heard it wrong.

"You said Miss Yun is pregnant, she is Emperor's child?"

Ye Jia got angry, and yelled angrily: "Whose it's not his, you go tell the emperor and let him release Yu'er immediately. If this continues, Yu'er will die?"

Qinglong calmed down for a long time, and finally nodded and said: "Okay, I will rush back to the capital to report to the emperor. As for the emperor to let Miss Yun come out, it is not something I can decide."

"go quickly."

Ye Jia waved her hand. In her cognition, since Yu'er was pregnant with Xiao Jiuyuan's child, if Xiao Jiuyuan knew about it, he would definitely let Yu'er out. In this way, Yu'er's body would soon recover.

Ye Jia was in a much better mood and turned around and walked into the hall.

The capital, the imperial palace.

Feng Wuya was severely injured before, and after recuperating, his body has recovered.

But he couldn't find Yu'er. The two of them were supposed to get married, but it turned out that Yu'er was taken away by Xiao Jiuyuan.

He took some people and almost searched the entire Western Continent, but did not find Yu'er's whereabouts.

Later he thought of something, Xiao Jiuyuan hid Yu'er, so he should always go to see Yu'er himself.

Feng Wuya led two of his subordinates to monitor Xiao Jiuyuan secretly. As long as Xiao Jiuyuan visits Yu'er, he can find Yu'er's whereabouts.

But in the end, he had been monitoring for more than half a month, and Xiao Jiuyuan did not leave the emperor.

This shows that this man did not go to see Yu'er at all. Does he care about Yu'er's life or death at all?

What happened to this person now, or he was invaded by demons.

Feng Wuya didn't wait for Xiao Jiuyuan to visit Yun Qianyu.

In the end, he couldn't help it anymore and rushed into Xiao Jiuyuan's palace with two of his men.

As soon as he entered the palace, he couldn't help shouting: "Xiao Jiuyuan, you ****** out to Lao Tzu, you give me Yu'er, where did you hide her?"

After Feng Wuya Lei Ting yelled, a figure shot out from the palace and stood proudly in the air.

The person who shot out from the palace was Xiao Jiuyuan.

Xiao Jiuyuan was surrounded by a cold and solemn breath, and his whole body was gloomy and cold like a **** king.

He stared at Feng Wuya sharply, and slowly spoke.

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