Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 1493: accidents

Xia Guiren thought of walking together and ran directly into the pavilion.

The maid behind him wanted to pull her, where could she be held.

Not only couldn't hold her, but also heard her command in a deep voice: "You immediately retreat. Hurry up, don't ruin the good deeds of me and the emperor."

The little maid looked around silently, and quickly withdrew back.

She knew what Xia Guiren's idea was, it was nothing more than seducing the emperor by night.

She stayed here to see what it looked like, if the emperor was annoyed, she would be dead.

The little maid backed away thinking about it.

In the Guanhua Pavilion, it quickly changed. First, a pretty figure hugged the tall man, then the tall man hugged the short man tightly, and then the two eagerly hugged and kissed the tall man. The man began to pick up the short man's clothes, and threw his clothes out of Guanhua Pavilion one by one.

It was just that the clothes had just been taken off and had not yet entered the main alley. On a small road outside Guanhua Pavilion, there was a sound of disorderly footsteps. Someone yelled: "Queen Empress, someone has had **** in Guanhua Pavilion."

"Who is so bold, who dared to give birth to such a thing in the Royal Garden, is obviously looking for death."

Queen Lou Chuyue rushed over with a group of people.

Although I was afraid of accidents beforehand, now it seems natural.

Even if the eldest princess becomes angry again, she can't help it. She and her brother are already on a blind date.

It was almost a good thing.

It is impossible for the eldest princess not to marry her younger brother.

The more Lou Chuyue thought about it, the happier he became. When he came over, he ordered the eunuch: "Look at who is in the pavilion?"

An old lady in the palace rushed into the Guanhua Pavilion carrying a lantern.

However, after a while, her face was as white as paper, she quickly withdrew, and whispered a few words against Lou Chuyue's ear.

Chuyue's face turned pale when he came downstairs, and his body was shaking like a lotus in the wind.

How could he become Xia Guiren and his own younger brother.

Where is the princess.

If the emperor knew that her brother and Xia Guiren did something like this, wouldn't her brother be unlucky?

The queen immediately spoke: "I didn't expect the maidservant in the palace to be so bold. She dared to hang out with the **** in the palace, clearly seeking death. If you come, arrest them immediately."

Empress Lou gestured to her mother, and she naturally understood that the faces of Xia Guiren and Uncle Guo should not be exposed.

The mother immediately led people to rush in.

But before she moved, she heard a cold shout in the distance: "Stop?"

Yun Qianyu brought Ye Jia and the little maid who had invited her over.

Yun Qianyu squinted at the queen, then at Guanhua Ting, and then ordered Ye Jia on his side: "Go in and see what's going on?"

Earlier, I had received a note and came to watch Huating. If it wasn't Xia Guiren, it was myself.

Although she wouldn't be as unlucky as Xia Guiren, she would not let anyone daring to calculate her.

The queen's face turned pale for an instant, and she gritted her teeth firmly: "Princess Grande, you are too presumptuous. This is part of the palace. When will it be your turn to be troubled?"

Yun Qianyu sneered and said, "I'm having trouble, so what?"

Ye Jia, who was beside Yun Qianyu, ran to Guanhua Pavilion.

The queen rushed forward anxiously and stopped Ye Jia, but was pushed away by Ye Jia.

Although Ye Jia's spiritual power cultivation base is not high, it is also the cultivation base of a spiritualist. It is the highest cultivation base in the Eastern Continent, so the queen really didn't care about it.

The queen saw Ye Jia enter the view of Huating, and shouted: "Stop her."

The two mothers stopped Ye Jia when they moved.

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