Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 1497: After annihilation

Xiao Yechen said with a gloomy expression: "Don't take him down yet."

Several guards flashed and went straight to Lou Zhuo.

In the blink of an eye, Lou Zhuo surrounded Lou Zhuo. Lou Zhuo yelled like a madman, rushing around, making the guards unable to start.

But he was rushing into the west and suddenly grabbed a guard sword.

He waved the sword in his hand and threatened those around him: "You leave me alone, otherwise don't blame me and I kill you."

"Hmph, I will kill anyone who dares to come over."

The captain of the guards didn't seem to see the sword in his hand, raised his hand and slammed it over.

A palm beat Lou Zhuo to the ground.

The sword in Lou Zhuo's hand was clenched tightly, and the sword was facing upwards, poking it fiercely from his left chest.

He struggled to get up, but unfortunately he couldn't get up, and finally gasped and cried out: "Sister save me, sister save me."

Lou Zhuo grew up in the back of the building. At this moment, his younger brother was stabbed by a sword.

She rushed over like crazy and hugged Lou Zhuo: "Zuo'er, Zhuo'er."

Behind the building wept heartbreakingly.

Yun Qianyu behind the crowd ignored the sad back building.

She walked a few steps to the back of the building, she took out the Wannian Lingyu from the skirt of her clothes.

The Wannian Lingyu scorched, and Lou Zhuo’s silverfish-like soul on the first floor was attracted by a ray of soul in the Wannian Lingyu, and floated slowly into the Wannian Lingyu. Come, finally melted into Wannian Lingyu.

In addition to Long Yan's first-floor soul in the Wannian Lingyu, there is also Long Yan's blood, so the first-floor soul of Lou Zhuo will naturally be attracted.

Yun Qianyu was indescribably happy when he saw Wannian Lingyu absorbed the soul of Long Yan.

There are three souls in humans, and two souls have been collected right now. As long as she finds another soul, she can reshape Long Yan's body.

Thinking of this, Yun Qianyu's mouth couldn't help but bend.

But her expression fell into the eyes of Lou Chuyue who was crying loudly.

Lou Chuyue only regarded her as a misfortune, and she was extremely angry.

She suddenly let go of Lou Zhuo's body and rushed towards Yun Qianyu, completely crazy.

Yun Qianyu moved back and quickly retreated.

Xiao Yechen had already moved in front of him, and he flashed over and slapped Lou Chuyue with a palm.

Lou Chuyue was severely wounded by a palm hit, collapsed on the ground, and passed out.

Xiao Yechen's reputation turned to the person next to him, and ordered: "Behind the building is bold and reckless, and unexpectedly introduces the uncle of the country into the harem, and disposes of my harem into the cold palace."

"Someone sent the waste to the cold palace."

Had it not been because the father behind the building had made a contribution in this battle, he would have killed her long ago.

The maidservant rushed over and hurriedly sent the abandoned queen to the cold palace.

After Xiao Yechen dealt with the back of the building, he looked at Xia Guiren again.

Xia Guiren's face was pale, and her body was trembling. She wanted to faint, but because she was too scared, she couldn't faint.

Seeing Xiao Yechen looking at her, Xia Guiren rushed towards Xiao Yechen’s body, intending to hug Xiao Yechen’s legs, but she did not dare to hold Xiao Yechen’s previous kick of the queen. His legs were gone, and in the end he could only plop and kowtow: "The emperor is forgiving, it is not the fault of the concubine."

"The emperor Rao's concubine once."

Xiao Yechen looked condescendingly at Xia Guiren and said, "If you don't go back to your palace at night, what do you come to the Palace Royal Garden for?"

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