Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 1499: Seductive kiss

Yun Qianyu entered the palace, and Xiao Yechen and Ye Jia left all the way.

After leaving the palace where Yun Qianyu lived, Xiao Yechen ordered the guards following him: "You all go back."

"Yes, the emperor."

Everyone retired, and on the silent palace road, only two people walked slowly all the way.

Xiao Yechen's gentle voice slowly sounded: "Ye Jia, are you really leaving tomorrow?"

"Yes, I will leave with my cousin."

"You will forget me in the future, right?"

Thinking of this, Xiao Yechen's heart was dull.

He couldn't find anyone he liked in this life, so why did he lose even those who liked him?

Ye Jia was silent for a while, then replied: "Yes, the emperor, slowly I will forget you."

As soon as Ye Jia finished speaking, Xiao Yechen suddenly said, "No."

He turned around and eagerly took Ye Jia's hand, and then reached out and hugged Ye Jia: "Ye Jia, don't forget me, okay? Although I am the Ninth Five-Year Lord, in the eyes of others, I am the emperor, not Xiao Yechen."

"You are probably the only person who loves Xiao Yechen in this world, so don't forget me, OK?"

He hugged Ye Jia tightly and begged softly in her ear.

Ye Jia's whole person was shocked, completely petrified, and she didn't know how to react.

The emperor, what is the emperor doing?

Ye Jia's mind was dumbfounded, but Xiao Yechen saw that she didn't respond, suddenly let go of her a little, and then leaned over and kissed her on the mouth.

His lips were cold, and when he kissed Ye Jia's lips, Ye Jia's brain buzzed and he didn't know how to react.

She didn't expect Xiao Yechen to make such movements, so she was at a loss.

When Xiao Yechen kissed Ye Jia, he found that he was not disgusted with kissing her, and instead acted naturally.

At the same time, with his kiss, his body also has some eagerness, which is unprecedented in the past and those women.

At this moment, Xiao Yechen's eyes flashed with determination, and he wanted to keep her.

Leave her to accompany him, at least in the future lonely years, there will be someone who loves him well.

This will make the rest of his life more colorful.

Xiao Yechen thought about the kiss deepening slowly, as if a violent storm had hit Ye Jia.

Ye Jia was a little dazed, but she reacted quickly, they shouldn't be like this, she is leaving tomorrow.

But Xiao Yechen didn't give her such an opportunity at all. He held Ye Jia tightly, and Ye Jia couldn't push him.

And he bent over and hugged Ye Jia, holding her to his Yongxiang Palace.

On the way, Xiao Yechen did not forget to kiss Ye Jia's lips, and even kissed Ye Jia's little earlobe.

Ye Jia had never been so close to others, so after being kissed by Xiao Yechen like this, her whole body shuddered, she didn't know how to think, but when she was put on the soft big bed by Xiao Yechen.

She finally reacted in hindsight.

No, they shouldn't be like this.

It is good to talk with him, how to say he came to bed.

No, she is leaving here.

Thinking of this, Ye Jia pushed Xiao Yechen **** her body while protesting dissatisfiedly: "Xiao Yechen, let me go, if you don't let me go, don't blame me for beating you."

Her spiritual strength cultivation base was much higher than Xiao Yechen's. If she made a move, Xiao Yechen would not be her opponent at all.

It's just that as soon as she finished speaking, she saw the man above her head, looking at her with deep sorrow with his eyes closed. At this time, he was with a touch of melancholy.

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