Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 1503: When making love

Ye Jia stretched out his hand and held Yun Qianyu's hand tightly: "Thank you."

"I'm very happy that you can be happy. Since you have decided to stay, you will take good care of Ye Chen in the future. Also, you have dropped a level of generation, you should call my aunt..."

Yun Qianyu's words made the atmosphere eager, and Ye Jia couldn't help laughing.

Yun Qianyu stretched out her hand and walked her out, and said as he walked: "Well, this is a happy event, we should be happy."

The two walked all the way to the outside of the temple.

When they walked out of the inner hall, Xiao Yechen and the Supreme Emperor were happy when they saw the expressions of the two of them.

Yun Qianyu looked at Xiao Yechen and said, "Since you are willing to marry Jia'er, then marry her. From now on, you two will stay with you until you get old."

"Aunt Xie."

Xiao Yechen spoke respectfully.

At this moment, his thoughts about Yun Qianyu once drifted away with the wind and turned into a landscape in his memory.

The Supreme Emperor was also very satisfied when he saw this ending. He walked down from the temple and said happily: "Then Yu'er, you stay and participate in their wedding. Let's leave after their wedding."

Yun Qianyu shook his head but refused: "No, I want to hurry back to the Western Continent to have something to do."

Her time is very tight, she can't afford to delay it.

However, the matter between Xiao Yechen and Ye Jia had not been settled yet, she was afraid of changes, so she decided to stay one more day.

"Although I can't participate in their big wedding, I can stay one more day."

Ye Jia knew that Yun Qianyu's time was tight now, and it was not easy for her to stay one day longer.

So Ye Jiawang said to Xiao Yechen and the Supreme Emperor: "Yu'er does have something, so you don't want to keep her, but when she and the emperor get married, we can go to her wedding together."

Xiao Yechen and the Supreme Emperor agreed with this.

Yun Qianyu in the hall looked at Xiao Yechen and said: "The reason why I stayed is to see the reaction of the courtiers. Although you want to marry Jia'er as a queen, the ministers in the court hall will not agree, especially Yanbei. People from the Royal Palace and from the Su Kingdom Palace, these two families naturally want their prostitutes to be the queen, and now you suddenly drop a queen by air, they are naturally dissatisfied."

"At that time, the courtiers will definitely oppose it. You must figure out how to deal with it."

As soon as Yun Qianyu's words fell, Xiao Yechen's face became gloomy: "This is my family affair, what to do with them."

"That’s right, but they don’t think so. I think you might as well send your subordinates to secretly reveal this news to some courtiers, and then beat these courtiers. These people dare not stand in Yan’s house. The Su family’s side confronts your immediate future."

"If the Yan family and Su family strongly object, I will help you, so don't worry."

After Yun Qianyu finished speaking, Xiao Yechen thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

Although he can directly surrender the decree strongly, it is not good if the relationship with the courtier is too rigid. It is better to do what his aunt said.

Xiao Yechen thought about going out to arrange this, but soon he thought of Ye Jia's matter.

He glanced at Ye Jia subconsciously, then looked at Yun Qianyu and said, "Auntie, I will take Ye Jia out first."

"it is good.."

She is not the kind of person who doesn't know good and bad.

Yun Qianyu chuckled and aimed at Ye Jia. Ye Jia's face turned red all of a sudden, and he dared not look at her.

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