Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 185: Spiritual talent

The dean here was angry, while Xiao Jiuyuan led Yun Qianyu all the way to avoid others and went to the spiritual power test room of Jialan Academy.

Since there are not too many spiritual powers in Dongli Kingdom, the spiritual power testing room is empty most of the time, and no one is sent to wait, so Xiao Jiuyuan smoothly brought Yun Qianyu into the testing room.

As soon as the two people walked in, Yun Qianyu was attracted by the layout inside, and looked at it from time to time.

This is a room with rows of white jade inlaid on the wall, and the roof is inlaid with several night pearls. The soft color of the night pearl shines on the jade, giving out a faint light, making the whole room very dreamy.

There are two white jade platforms in the middle of the room, and the white jade platforms are inlaid with several things similar to switches.

At this time, Xiao Jiuyuan had walked to the white jade platform and waited for Yun Qianyu, watching Yun Qianyu look at the spiritual power test room, he rarely explained it kindly.

"The jade stones on this wall are not ordinary jade stones. They are spiritual power stones. The seven spiritual power stones below are in seven colors, and the three above are silver. Human spiritual power is divided into congenital spiritual veins and acquired spiritual veins. The acquired spirit channel is restrictive. Even if it is tested, it can only rush to purple at most, which is the greatest achievement. Some people can't even rush to purple."

When Xiao Jiuyuan said that, he stopped here, looked at Yun Qianyu, and saw Yun Qianyu's ears sound attentively, then he continued.

"As for the congenital spiritual veins, it is divided into upper, middle and lower spiritual veins. If the inferior spiritual veins break through the purple and reach the first silver, they are the lower spiritual veins of the congenital spiritual veins. If they are medium, they are the second. If it’s pulse, then it will directly soar from the bottom first path to the top one, and the spiritual power will make all the spiritual power stones in the test room light up."

After Xiao Jiuyuan finished speaking, he didn't want to delay any more time, so he looked at Yun Qianyu and said, "Okay, come and test it. If the test is done, this king will give you a Spirit Calling Technique as promised."

"Okay," Yun Qianyu walked forward in response, and walked to Xiao Jiuyuan's side. Xiao Jiuyuan pointed to Bai Yutai and said, "Put your hand in this mudra, pay attention to your spiritual veins, and then concentrate on your spiritual power. Feed it on your finger, and I will activate the mechanism to help you test it."

"Yeah," Yun Qianyu stretched out his hand and pressed his five fingers on one of the handprints on the Bai Yutai platform, then slightly gazes at the spiritual veins in his body with all his attention. She can feel the spiritual veins.

Xiao Jiuyuan on one side saw that she had entered the state, and immediately activated several switches on the high platform.

Wow, the Huaguang masterpiece in the house, whoosh, speed is dizzying.

In the blink of an eye, the spirit power filled with white jade spirit stones.

Red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple.

Then there was a silver light.

Two silver lights.

Three silver lights.

In the end, all the spirit stones emitted a dazzling light.

Yun Qianyu in the room stared at all this blankly. It was because she was a calm and composed person, or was shocked by the state at this time. What does this mean, is she the best spiritual vein in the body of innate spiritual veins? ? It is still said that the test instrument is broken.

Yun Qianyu looked down subconsciously, and Xiao Jiuyuan on one side slowly opened his mouth and said, "The instrument is not broken, you are indeed the best innate spirit body."

Xiao Jiuyuan was also a little bit shocked in his heart. He originally thought Yun Qianyu was at best a medium-sized innate spirit body, but he did not expect that she was a superior spirit body.

It was a surprise to him.

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