Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 188: Ignore Xiao Jiuyuan

Xiao Jiuyuan knows the situation in the library. When he is fine, he will come to the library of the Jialan Academy to read some books on the formation, and sometimes he will take out one or two books. Generally, the elders who guard the library will not Say what.

This time he very neatly found a superior Spirit Calling Technique from somewhere on the bookshelf in the Library of Books, he took the Spirit Calling Technique, turned around and left.

However, after walking a few steps, he stopped as if thinking of something, turned around and walked to the other side, and quickly walked to a row of bookshelves to stand still, after a careful look, he took a book of exercise secrets from the bookshelf.

The elder guarding the gate saw Xiao Jiuyuan holding a Spirit Summoning Secret Art and a Cultivation Secret Art in his hand, and did not say much, but respectfully sent Xiao Jiuyuan away.

After Xiao Jiuyuan left, the door to the library was closed again.

Xiao Jiuyuan took the two secrets and walked all the way to the northeast of Zangshu Pavilion, and quickly walked to where Yun Qianyu was staying.

"Okay, let's go."

After Xiao Jiuyuan spoke, Yun Qianyu walked out, and the two left the library one after another. When they had walked a small path, there was a carriage parked on the three-way road ahead, which was Xiao Jiuyuan's carriage.

After Xiao Jiuyuan and Yun Qianyu got on the carriage, the carriage drove straight to the gate of Jialan Academy.

In the carriage, Xiao Jiuyuan handed the two secrets to Yun Qianyu and said, "Here you are."

Yun Qianyu was astonished. She thought it was one copy, or two copies.

She reached out and took it over and looked at it, and found that one was the first-class Spirit Calling Technique, and the other was actually the secret of the technique, named Scarlet Blood Yin Yang Palm.

Yun Qianyu did not expect that Xiao Jiuyuan not only gave her a superior Spirit Calling Secret Art, but also a Spiritual Art Secret Red Blood Yin and Yang Palm. He couldn't help but feel happy, and looked towards Xiao Jiuyuan as he wanted to say a few gentle words.

I didn't want her to raise her head before she had time to speak, but Xiao Jiuyuan said with awe-inspiring expression on her face.

"This king never treats others badly, even if you are the king's pawn, this king will not treat you badly. We said earlier that you saved Fengteng and this king got the Spirit Calling Art for you, but you Saved the lives of those soldiers, so this king has taken you the secret of spiritual power with the red blood yin and yang palm, so now we are both clear."

Xiao Jiuyuan's words caused Yun Qianyu to swallow back when she reached her mouth, and at the same time, she reminded Yun Qianyu of one thing very well. She didn't need to be grateful to this guy. She got the Scarlet Yin and Yang Palm by her own ability, if she could not save it before. Those soldiers, I am afraid Xiao Jiuyuan might kill her.

So why was she grateful to Xiao Jiuyuan, thinking, Yun Qianyu said in a very good mood: "Yes, why did I forget, this is what I deserve."

She said that she didn't look at Xiao Jiuyuan, and lowered her head to open the book in her hand. This made Xiao Jiuyuan feel unhappy, but she didn't know what was wrong. He clearly said the two things, but this woman didn't appreciate him at all. He felt depressed again.

While thinking about it, Xiao Jiuyuan gazed at Yun Qianyu who was on the opposite side. Yun Qianyu's face was covered with white gauze, and he looked at the Spirit Calling Art in his hand gracefully, his expression was indescribable and beautiful.

Xiao Jiuyuan saw that there was only a book in her eyes, as if he had completely forgotten that there was a person like him in the carriage, which made him feel uncomfortable the more he looked.

When did his Xiao Jiuyuan be indifferent to this point, is this still him?

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