Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 191: Aura is pressing

In the carriage, Yun Qianyu grinds his teeth, thinking about whether to stand up and yell at this man's nose, you dead man, go into the palace and get married.

But after thinking about it, I held back. Now that I haven't cultivated my spiritual power well, how can I make Xiao Jiuyuan resign from this marriage?

"The prince does not want to find out the real murderer behind the scenes, does not want to wash his notoriety, and does not want to kill the person behind the prince?"

Yun Qianyu deliberately mentioned the conspirators behind the scenes. You must know that Xiao Jiuyuan has never suffered, but now he has been put together. Thinking about him, he must be very angry now.

Sure enough, when Yun Qianyu mentioned this, Xiao Jiuyuan's face turned dark, and his fingers were also squeezed. The whole body was filled with a cold breath. He said in a deep voice, "If this king finds this person, he will definitely get rid of this person. Up."

After he finished speaking, he raised his cold pupil and looked at Yun Qianyu: "As a chess piece, you don't seem to be qualified. You are only busy with your own affairs. You have never done anything for this king. You have said everywhere. Activities, so that the black hands behind the scenes can do their hands and feet. Now you are either hiding at home or following this king. Is there any way for the black hands behind the scenes to do their hands and feet?"

Yun Qianyu thought for a while. He was indeed unqualified. For a while, he was only looking at getting stronger and stronger, but he didn't help Xiao Jiuyuan with his business.

Now that she got the Spirit Calling Secret Art, she also got a Spiritual Art Secret Art, so she could help Xiao Jiuyuan find out the real culprit behind the scenes while practicing.

When she finds the real murderer behind the scenes, maybe she has good abilities. At that time, Xiao Jiuyuan retires and retires. If he does not retreat, she still has to find a way to retreat.

Yun Qianyu thought that he was in a better mood, and looked at Xiao Jiuyuan and said, "Lord, don't worry. Next, I will move around to help the prince find out who is behind the scenes."

"That's good."

Xiao Jiuyuan snorted coldly, and then continued: "We said before, don't expect this king to help you do anything."

"Yes, I understand."

After Yun Qianyu finished speaking, Xiao Jiuyuan ordered the coachman outside: "Send Miss Yun back to Yongning Hall."

"Okay, Lord."

The guard in the car responded and drove straight to the capital.

In the carriage, Xiao Jiuyuan no longer paid attention to Yun Qianyu, but instead thought about what he was encountering right now. First, someone was conspiring with him behind his back, ruining his reputation, so that no one in Beijing would dare to marry him.

Second, someone put the hand on the dragon scale army's head, so the instigator attacked the dragon scale army and murdered his fiancée, is it the same person who corrupted his reputation?

Xiao Jiuyuan thought about it for a while, and determined that the two incidents might have been caused by one person.

But whether it was made by Beidi or not, he was sure of at least one thing. Someone in the capital of Dongli Kingdom cooperated with Beidi, otherwise how could they be so familiar with his fiancée and Dragonscale Army.

When Xiao Jiuyuan thought that the black hand behind the scenes actually intended to harm him and the Dragon Scale Army, his face was indescribably ugly, and his anger spread all over him, and the cold air overflowed, and the whole carriage was filled with a cold breath.

However, Yun Qianyu on the side of the carriage didn't care at all. She had already closed her eyes slightly, and went to warm up her spiritual veins.

The carriage steadily entered the capital and drove straight to Yongning Houfu. When it reached the gate of Yongning Houfu, the carriage stopped, and the respectful voice of the guards outside sounded: "Master, Yongning Houfu is here."

Xiao Jiuyuan kept closing his eyes and rested, hearing the voice of the coachman, quickly opened his eyes and looked at Yun Qianyu on one side.

Just to see Yun Qianyu slowly opening his eyes, a pair of cold pupils filled with aura.

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