Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 193: Fengling Quit

Since the incident with Qiu Chan and others last time, Yun Qianyu ordered all his servants to be kicked out. If there is any work in the yard, he asks the thrush to let the housekeeper arrange a few people to come in and clean up. When nothing happens, No one is allowed to enter Zizhuxuan.

This is to prevent someone from rushing to Zizhuxuan to make trouble, Yun Qianyu now only wants to become stronger, and doesn't want to pay attention to other things. After she becomes stronger, he will avenge her predecessor.

Thinking of this, Yun Qianyu immediately looked at the thrush on his side and said: "I didn't sleep all night last night, so I went to the room to sleep for a while. Don't let anyone disturb me."

Thrush had already heard about Yun Qianyu's rescue of the Longlin Army officer, and naturally felt sorry for her. When she heard her say this, he quickly urged: "Miss, you go in and rest. I won't let people disturb you. "

Little Bell also nodded vigorously: "Well, Sister Yun, I guarded the hospital door and did not let anyone in. If anyone dared to come in, I would beat her out."

Little Bell shook his fist while speaking, Yun Qianyu turned and entered the room with a speechless expression.

Thrush quickly arranged work outside the house. Little Bell was in charge of guarding the gate, Diao Ye was in charge of guarding the outside of Yun Qianyu's room, and she was preparing to eat, because the young lady was definitely going to eat when she woke up.

Once the task is assigned, each will be in place, and each person will do his own thing.

As for Yun Qianyu, she did not sleep. Although she did not sleep all night, she was not sleepy. Now her mood is unspeakably surging. She wants to immediately start warming and awakening the spiritual channel, and then using it to sense the air. The spiritual energy is the last practice.

If it hadn't been for Xiao Jiuyuan's previous teaching, she would never have understood the Spirit Calling Art so quickly.

She originally thought that the Spirit Calling Jue was to awaken the spirit veins in the body, but she did not expect that a Spirit Calling Jue had merged four stages.

Warm and nourish spiritual channels, wake up spiritual channels, sense auras, and cultivate auras.

Now that she has comprehended the Spirit Calling Art, it is naturally much easier than ordinary people.

Yun Qianyu walked to the bed as he thought about it, took off his shoes and went to bed, took off the veil on his face, and then sat cross-legged on the bed, intending to start warming up his spiritual veins.

An excited voice rang in the body: "Master, can I come out now?"

With Master Phoenix's voice, Yun Qianyu remembered that he had saved a lot of people before, and had accumulated a thousand equal points, so Feng Ling Ring could be opened.

Yun Qianyu thought that Master Phoenix had said that there was a pill or pill in Feng Ling Ring, and he couldn't help but feel excited.

Not only did she need to practice spiritual power, but she also had to become an alchemist, because at Jialan Academy, she had tested her spiritual power, and her spiritual power was sky-defying, and she was fully equipped for alchemy.

So she plans to learn spiritual power first, then learn alchemy, and become an alchemist.

Yun Qianyu asked the Master Phoenix in his body while thinking.

"How do I open the Fengling Ring."

After Yun Qianyu's words fell, Master Phoenix immediately said, "Master, the Phoenix Spirit Ring has been integrated with you. You just need to open it with your mind, and I can come out."

Although Yun Qianyu is not interested in Master Phoenix’s emergence, a phoenix must have very powerful abilities. It is not bad if there is such a powerful guy next to him, plus Master Phoenix has said before, Feng There are many pills and prescriptions in the spirit ring.

Wasn't she very profitable? Thinking of this, Yun Qianyu couldn't hold back the joy in his heart, and immediately commanded in his heart, Feng Ling gave up.

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