Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 515: Lord Right

Yun Qianxue subconsciously turned around and looked over, and saw a man wearing a crescent white brocade shirt standing behind him. This man had a slightly thin face, but his brows and eyebrows were unspeakably clear, but his face was a little unsightly, and he was still wearing his body. With a smell of sub-medicine, you can see that it is a person who has been immersed in medicinal materials all year round.

This person, Yun Qianxue, knew him. He was Qin Mucang, the youngest rightist in the history of Dongli Kingdom, the son of the Qin family in Luozhou.

As the rightist of Dong Li Kingdom, Qin Mucang is not only young, but also very clever, but this person is born with insufficient body, soaked in medicinal materials all the year round, so he looks very thin.

But this person is the right arm of the emperor, and the emperor trusts him extremely.

Because he does not stand for any party, he belongs to the imperial party and only recognizes the emperor, not anyone.

The Qin family in Luozhou behind him has never participated in government affairs and is a member of the Qingliu faction.

Originally, Qin Mucang didn't want to govern, because he was not healthy since he was a child, so he couldn't worry about it, but the emperor went to Luozhou three times and invited him out as the right minister.

Finally, he was finally moved by the emperor and came out to assist the emperor.

To be honest, this right-hand man, even if he is not the prince of the court, is better than the prince.

The emperor trusted him extremely.

Yun Qianxue stared at the right-hand Qin Mucang blankly, and forgot to reply.

This is because although this rightist looks very easy to talk, in fact he has always been very indifferent to people, is indifferent to people, and rarely talks to people.

Now he was talking to Yun Qianxue suddenly, Yun Qianxue was a little flattered.

He even forgot to reply.

The right-hand Qin Mucang bent over and carefully picked up the jade pendant on the ground, and put it into Yun Qianxue's hand: "Miss Yun, the jade pendant is broken. Is this your jade pendant?"

Yun Qianxue nodded and looked at the broken jade pendant in her hand. She wanted to say that it was not her own, but finally felt that if she said it was not her own, wouldn't it be a slap in the face, so she nodded and cried and said, "This is my jade pendant. It was something my mother left to me, but it was trampled on by Princess Lingyi."

After Yun Qianxue finished speaking, Qin Mucang stretched out: "Come on, stop crying, crying again will be ugly, there is nothing in this world that cannot be solved."

Yun Qianxue was stunned again, is this Lord Right? How is it different from the rumors.

what the **** is it? Yun Qianxuemu stunnedly raised his hand and handed it to the right hand Qin Mucang.

Qin Mucang pulled Yun Qianxue up. Not only did he pull her up, he also took the veil to wipe Yun Qianxue's tears.

Yun Qianxue was so startled that she completely forgot to speak.

She was really stunned.

Qin Mucang had a calm face. After wiping away the tears for Yun Qianxue, he stretched out his hand and took her all the way to Yufeng Terrace.

"Let's go, the palace banquet is about to begin."

Master Right here coaxed Yun Qianxue.

On the other side, Xuan Wang Xiao Tianyi finally caught up with Yun Qianyu, he stopped Yun Qianyu’s path, looked at Yun Qianyu with a heartache and said: "Yu'er, I have made a mistake for so many years. Know that that person is you..."

Xiao Tianyi said with a heartbreaking self-blame, but unfortunately he didn't say it to the end, Yun Qianyu had already spoken, and directly looked at King Xuan Xiao Tianyi without mercy and said, "King Xuan, do I have anything to do with you? Please call I'm Princess Lingyi, or aunt?"

Yun Qianyu looked at Xiao Tianyi with a smile, his eyes full of coldness.

She was so obvious at a glance that she didn't have the slightest affection for Xiao Tianyi.

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