Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 531: Changeling

Now not only is Concubine Shu talking, but the Queen is also talking.

Finally, the emperor no longer aimed at Yongninghou, but waved his hand with an unkind expression, and finally ordered in a deep voice in a bad mood.

"This is the end of today's palace banquet. Let everyone go out of the palace. The prince chooses his concubine, and I will choose later..."

"Yes, the emperor."

A good feast for the prince's selection of the concubine was disturbed. Everyone could not regret it, but was fortunate to have escaped today.

However, the woman Yun Qianxue is not so lucky, and the emperor will definitely not let her go.

Even if she escaped, the emperor would order people in all states and counties to arrest her.

In Yufengtai, the emperor, empress dowager and empress have all left.

The courtiers saw the power go away, followed by Yufeng Terrace.

Xiao Jiuyuan and Yun Qianyu also followed all the way out of Yufeng Terrace.

The two touched down in front of the gate of Yufeng Terrace. .

Yun Qianyu stared at Xiao Jiuyuan with his eyes, and the corner of his mouth twitched, and said coolly: "Prince Li's cold-blooded ruthlessness, today I can see it."

"It's just an irrelevant person."

Xiao Jiuyuan said lightly and didn't think there was anything wrong with his cold-blooded ruthlessness.

He was so arrogant and arrogant that Yun Qianyu's teeth were itchy.

Especially when she thought that she couldn't open the Feng Ling ring of the second layer, it was because this guy made trouble, so she couldn't open the Feng Ling ring.

There is no way to retreat now.

Yun Qianyu became more and more angry as she thought about it, and the anger in her heart had reached an unprecedented height. .

Xiao Jiuyuan, I don't believe that you can't retreat.

After Yun Qianyu gave Xiao Jiuyuan a cold look, he raised his foot and walked out.

Behind him, Xiao Jiuyuan looked helplessly at the figure that had gone away. He just didn't want the two to be unrelated, and didn't want to make her angry.

Yun Qianyu took Ye Jia all the way out of the palace and returned to Anqin's Mansion.

On the way, the shadow came back and quickly reported: "Back to the master, someone rescued the woman Yun Qianxue, and there were a lot of people who came here with great skill. The subordinates followed them to fifty miles outside the city and found someone intercepted them. , But when the other party's people caught Yun Qianxue, they found that the woman had been dropped."

Yun Qianyu heard the report from the shadow, and his pupils were dim. It was obvious that the person who intercepted Yun Qianxue must be Xiao Jiuyuan's.

He had sent his hand to stare at Yun Qianxue earlier, she knew it.

It's just that she didn't expect Yun Qianxue to be transferred.

From the matter of dropping the bag, Yun Qianyu thought of the person who had been so big in the palace before, this person was hidden by the emperor, and he was very skilled.

But why should he help Yun Qianxue.

Who would help Yun Qianxue so kindly?

Is it? Yun Qianyu suddenly thought of Yun Qianxue's true identity, the princess of Nanyang Palace.

Wouldn't it be Nanyang King who secretly sent someone to rescue this daughter?

The more Yun Qianyu thought about it, the more it was possible, his face was indescribably cold, and he didn't expect that this woman would be so lucky and escaped again.

From this incident, Yun Qianyu did not go well once thinking of the things he had encountered recently.

She wanted to open the second layer of Fengling Ring, but she hadn't opened it yet.

She wanted to divorce, but she has not divorced yet.

Now even the mortal Yun Qianxue has escaped.

Yun Qianyu was in a bad mood, so he raised his hand and thumped at the side of the carriage.

Since Ye Jia knew why she was in such a bad mood, she quickly calmed her down: "Don't worry, take things slowly, it's useless to be anxious, no matter what, it will definitely be dealt with in the end."

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