The young boy's face changed slightly, and he didn't expect that the people in front of him were spiritual powers or strong spiritual powers.

With his own strength, he is no match for these people.

He thought of ideas quickly.

The little girl beside him saw his appearance, for fear that this fairy brother would leave her alone, so she hugged the little boy's leg tightly.

"Brother Shenxian, don't leave me, don't leave me."

The little boy looked down at the little girl, his lips fluttered: "Sister, don't be afraid, I won't leave you behind."

After he finished talking, he stretched out his hand and flicked the little **** his back, then quickly pulled out the belt around his waist and tied the little girl's waist.

Then he quickly ordered: "Hold your brother's neck, don't let go."

"it is good."

The little girl reached out her hand firmly and put her arms around the boy's neck.

At this time, the strong green spirit behind him, the powerful green spirit power has arrived.

The little boy's face changed abruptly, and he quickly raised his head and condensed his fingers, the light green spiritual power wrapped in his palm.

He raised his hand and slammed towards the green spirit who was facing him. After the two spirit powers collided, they exploded with a bang.

The young man was shocked by the powerful spirit wave of the man in black and took a few steps back. His face was unspeakably ugly, and suddenly raised his hand, a black thundercloud array went straight to the man in black.

The face of the man in black changed, and the leader sneered, "Be careful."

Several people raised their hands at the same time to fight the thundercloud formation.

The Thunder Cloud Array was obviously weaker, and was directly bombarded by several men in black.

At this time, the boy caught the critical gap, turned and ran with the little **** his back.

The figure in black behind him moved and hurriedly chased him.

Two groups of people ran quickly in the royal hunting grounds.

The young boy ran straight to the periphery of the Royal Hunting Ground. As long as he saw people, they couldn't hurt them.

It's just that the man in black at the back already knew his intentions, how could he let him go.

The man in black who was in front had stronger spiritual power than the young boy, and was a green spiritual senior, so he displayed his spiritual power and quickly surpassed the young boy, and then directly raised his palm and bombed him fiercely.

At this time, the spiritual force behind also arrived, and the line became a trend of encirclement.

The young boys saw that this situation was very unfavorable to them, if they did not break out, they would undoubtedly die.

He looked around, raised his figure steeply, and used his spiritual power to move towards the side cliff.

How did the people in black let go of them and chase them up.

Several figures chased on the cliff, and the people behind quickly displayed a spiritual weapon, and the spiritual weapon came over as a hood like a blouse that had fallen from the sky.

The young boy raised his hand to sacrifice the black spear in his hand. It turned out that the black spear in his hand was also a spiritual weapon.

The spear shot straight at the huge smock that was coming over as an arrow, and directly poke a hole in the smock.

But the young man caught the space, flew to a cliff opposite the cliff valley and shot past.

But how could the black man in the back let them go, rushing up steeply, raising his hand and blasting past fiercely.

In order to prevent injury to the little girl behind him, the young boy turned and directly faced the man in black behind his upper body, raising his hand to strike out with spiritual power.

The two spiritual powers collided fiercely, and because the young man's spiritual power was not as strong as that of the man in black, he was directly blasted towards the opposite cliff valley by that powerful spiritual power fluctuation.

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