Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 555: Shameless

This song is easy to confuse people's hearts. If the will is firm, this song has a calming and nourishing effect, but if it is disturbed, it will easily mess up the mind.

Because Tuobazhen lost the first game, his heart is definitely upset now, so Yun Qianyu chose this song specially.

No one else has heard of such a tune, and for a while, they couldn’t tell what was wrong with Yun Qianyu’s tune.

At this time, Tuobazhen's two hands left the strings, and quickly took two pens, one hand-written calligraphy, and the other hand painted on the other end of the white paper. .

Double-stroke painted red.

This is a very high level.

People who were attracted by Yun Qianyu's appearance were once again attracted by Tuobazhen's methods. .

At this time Yun Qianyu also started, double-painting Danqing, she also played.

Moreover, she is not tired, she is not worried at all. .

Yun Qianyu's two hands were also used at the same time.

At this time, the attention of the people around was once again drawn by her.

Looking at her blankly, she only felt that the woman's pen was walking around, and the wonderful pen gave birth to flowers. The posture was really indescribable.

The hall of Nuo Da was unspeakably quiet, and everyone was attracted by the two figures.

The two people painted the red and blue, and after a while, they quickly went to play chess. The chess was played against each other.

Yun Qianyu's chess skills are very superb, and he is not afraid of Tuobazhen at all. .

Two people play chess with one hand and the piano with the other hand.

At the same time, they caught the air and confronted each other.

The scene is getting more and more intense.

Cold sweat began to spill over Tuobazhen's face.

She began to worry.

Because she did not expect that Yun Qianyu is not only a beautiful woman, but also has such great abilities.

Damn, if this woman is so powerful, why is there no news of her in the entire East Li Kingdom.

Earlier, she only found out that this woman was good at chess, but she hadn't found anything else.

Unexpectedly, this woman is so powerful, and the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting are unfolding at the same time.

How to do how to do?

She can't lose. If she loses, she can only let the woman's arrangements and marry the person she chooses.

This woman doesn't seem to be a good stubborn. It was wrong to pick her to complete her plan.

Tuobazhen regretted it, but now there is no way out.

Now she didn't want to win this woman, but only wanted a tie, so that this woman would not have the right to decide who to marry for her.

The more Tuoba Zhen thought about it, the more irritable she got, and finally deliberately knocked over the chessboard when she turned around.

The test was interrupted sharply. .

Everyone looked at the middle of the hall.

Anyone with eyes could tell that Tuobazhen was absolutely deliberate.

At this time, people from Beidi State stood up, and this was a prime minister from Beidi State.

The prime minister stepped up and said quickly: "This round is not divided into winners and losers. I think this round can be regarded as a tie and go directly to the third round."

The Prime Minister talks together.

There were constant discussions in the hall, and everyone muttered that the prime minister was shameless.

How can this shameless old man tell me?

It was obviously the princess Joan of Arc deliberately used the hands and feet, and it was tied.

This old face is really thicker than the city wall.

Inside the hall, all the people of Beidi State looked uncomfortable.

Yong Wang Tuobaye quickly stood up, and said with an urn sound.

"My sister, Qinqi, calligraphy and painting, is a must. Will she still lose? If she persists, she will definitely defeat the Princess Lingyi. Now we are tied, it is cheaper for you."

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