Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 561: Marriage between the two countries

The old emperor at the head of the hall looked at Tuobaye and Tuobazhen again.

Although Tuobazhen is not as good as Yun Qianyu, she is a green spirit talent and extraordinary ability.

Such a woman, how can he rest assured to let her marry someone else.

So the emperor nodded slightly and said, "The King Yong said so."

The emperor turned around and looked at Yun Qianyu, who was the head of the hall: "Princess Lingyi, you see if this matter can be handled by me."

The emperor had already spoken, Yun Qianyu naturally could not say no, and she knew from the beginning that the people of Beidi would never agree to let her princess and an **** marry the two countries.

She did this only to slap Bei Di Guo in the face.

Yun Qianyu thought, smiled and looked at the person opposite Bei Di Guo, and said slowly.

"This is the difference between a barbaric country and a big country. The people of a barbarian country are of poor quality and don’t speak credit, but our people are generous. Since the emperor of our country has a benevolent heart, how can I compare my account? I hope you people from Beidi will not be arrogant in our Dongli country anymore."

Yun Qianyu's words slapped Bei Diguo again.

The people of Beidi State were itching with hatred.

But it's not easy to say one more word.

The emperor was very satisfied with Yun Qianyu's good looks.

"Well, now that the lord of Lingyi also agreed to let me handle this matter, then during the two countries' peace talks, the princess Tuoba Zhen of Beidi entered the palace as the concubine, and the two countries married."

Tuobazhen's face turned pale, and his heart was as cold as water.

Although he did not marry as an **** in the end, he married the emperor.

But the emperor was older than her father.

Originally, she wanted to marry a young prince as a concubine by her own ability, but she didn't expect this to happen in the end.

Tuobazhen only felt that the whole person was dizzy.

In the main hall, a group of courtiers of Dongli Kingdom have stood up to congratulate the emperor.

"The ministers congratulate the emperor on the beauty."

"Hahaha, good, not bad."

The old emperor was in a good mood, and Tuobazhen was a beauty and a wild beauty.

He has never had such a beauty in his harem, and now he has added another stroke, which is not bad.

And peace between the two countries has been settled.

His Highness, Yun Qianyu looked at the old emperor above, and slowly said: "The emperor, the courtiers have one more thing to ask the emperor to surrender."

As soon as Yun Qianyu spoke, everyone remembered that Princess Lingyi had mentioned one thing earlier, and that was to ask the emperor to annul her marriage with Prince Li.

When everyone thought of this, they all subconsciously looked at Prince Li Xiao Jiuyuan.

At this look, everyone was shocked.

Prince Li's face is so ugly, but this ugly is not like the ugly anger of the past, but a bloodless ugly. His pupils are full of surprise, shock, and disbelief. .

He just stared at Yun Qianyu steadily, without looking away for a long time.

In the hall, everyone couldn't help but guess. What happened to the lord? Could it be that she was hit by the divorce of the Princess Lingyi?

Yun Qianyu also discovered Xiao Jiuyuan's anomaly, what happened to this person?

Of course she would never believe that Xiao Jiuyuan would be the kind of person who was hit like this by her retiring.

What happened to him?

But Yun Qianyu didn't intend to pay any attention to this. He raised his head and looked at the emperor on the main hall and said in a deep voice: "The courtier asks the emperor to decree to abolish the marriage between the courtier and Prince Li."

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