Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 571: Prince Li Mighty

Behind is completely unilateral abuse, Tuoba Ye has long since disappeared from the arrogance before.

What he had relied on was only because he was an envoy of Beidi, and he thought no one would dare to embarrass him.

But he didn't expect Xiao Jiuyuan to not buy his account at all.

What is the envoy of Beidi, go back to Beidi.

Peace, go to hell.

Xiao Jiuyuan was full of blood, his fists screamed, and he slammed Tuobaye with one punch. .

Tuoba Ye was like a dog who had been beaten up in the water at this time, terrible.

He moaned in pain, and shouted at the prince Xiao Tianyu: "Prince save me."

Xiao Tianyu was completely stunned.

Seeing Xiao Jiuyuan's bloodthirsty side, he suddenly felt scared.

The Nine Emperor Gods went crazy, it was really scary.

His madness must be because of Yun Qianyu's resignation.

So he vented his anger on Tuoba Ye of Beidi Kingdom. Tuoba Ye was really unlucky.

Xiao Tianyu shuddered as he thought, but if he didn't say anything, he was afraid that the Nine Emperor Gods would kill Tuoba Ye.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Uncle Nine Emperors, you can't fight anymore, you will kill you if you fight again..."

Xiao Tianyu rushed over and stopped Xiao Jiuyuan. Xiao Jiuyuan looked at Tuobaye who was climbing forward on the ground. At this time, Tuobaye really became a savage.

He had a messy beard, his beard was covered with blood, his eyes were crooked, his nose was broken, and there was no good place around him. .

Xiao Jiuyuan looked around and finally stopped fighting.

But even though he stopped fighting, he didn't forget to kick Tuoba Ye severely.

"Next time, if you let this king see you in Dong Li's realm, let's see how this king takes your skin."

After finishing talking, Xiao Jiuyuan looked at the envoy of Beidi State.

Several of these envoys were civil servants, and they were completely frightened.

Xiao Jiuyuan looked at these envoys and said, "Restrict your prince, if there is another time, you will carry his body and go back to Beidi."

After Xiao Jiuyuan finished speaking, several envoys nodded pale.

"Yes Yes."

On the other side, the spiritual powers brought by Tuoba Ye were beaten badly enough by Bai Yao and Obsi.

On the streets at this time, there were wolves everywhere, and the people of Dong Li hid after they started fighting.

At this time, I saw Tuoba Ye and his men being beaten into embarrassment by Xiao Jiuyuan and his men.

These people are indescribably happy.

At this time, everyone completely forgot to be afraid of Xiao Jiuyuan's coldness and gloom, all applauded.

"Prince Li is amazing."

"Prince Li is mighty."

"Prince Li, you are our great hero."

The cheers were eager.

Xiao Jiuyuan didn't even look at the cheering people. He only did what he thought he should do, not for the cheers of the people.

Not far away, Yun Qianyu was busy treating patients, and several patients were getting better under her treatment.

From time to time, she told Ye Jia to cooperate with her by applying medicine, bandaging, feeding medicine and so on.

After one was cured, she called for someone to come and carry the cured patient home.

Many people on the side of the street came to help spontaneously. As long as Yun Qianyu cured one, several people would come and carry one back.

As a result, there are fewer and fewer patients.

The Feng Ling ring on Yun Qianyu's **** flashed with equal points from time to time.

Seeing that it will reach three thousand points.

Yun Qianyu suddenly heard the cheers from the side of the street, and quickly looked up, and saw Xiao Jiuyuan just turning around and looking over.

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