Master Diao took the opportunity to look at Ao Ming, his eyes filled with hopeful rays of light. He couldn't beat that guy Xiao Jiuyuan, but Brother Leopard was very powerful, maybe he could have beaten him, if he could help him out.

Master Diao blinked and looked at Ao Ming, Ao Ming directly rewarded him with a kingly contempt, and then hummed: "Actually, I want to steam you too."

Diaoye cried, why did one or two bully him.

Here the three spirit beasts are making a noise. On the other side, Xiao Jiuyuan and Yun Qianyu walked all the way to a small closed room in the courtyard where Xiao Jiuyuan lived.

This was designed by Xiao Jiuyuan himself. He tried several times before and tried to cure the disease by himself, but it was not cured until the end.

In front of the small room, Bai Yao looked very ugly, looked at Xiao Jiuyuan and said, "Master, you still don't want to go in."

Because every time the prince went in, it was painful, and then he passed out.

However, Xiao Jiuyuan ignored Bai Yao and strode to the airtight room.

Behind him Yun Qianyu couldn't help but reminded: "Xiao Jiuyuan, if you feel unbearable, just speak out, and we will open the door for you."

Xiao Jiuyuan looked back and smiled suddenly. Ten thousand graces gathered around him, still wild and domineering, but in his wild and domineering, there was an extra touch of clarity, making him feel like a warm jade.

He turned around and strode in, then closed the door.

Outside, Bai Yao and Yun Qianyu didn't speak, but waited quietly.

However, Bai Yao's face became more and more ugly, as he looked at Yun Qianyu and said.

"Princess Lingyi, what kind of strange disease do you think the prince is suffering from? Why do you have difficulty breathing, trembling, and then pass out in a closed space."

"Does this disease really exist in the world?"

Yun Qianyu nodded.

"Yes, this is a mental illness. Xiao Jiuyuan previously fell in the gap between the cliff and valley. The space was too narrow, making it difficult to breathe, trembling slightly, and even coma, so now he stays in a confined space. , There will be this kind of symptom. In fact, it is a functional response in the final analysis, and it is not a real disease.

Bai Yao didn't quite understand Yun Qianyu's words, especially what the mechanism could respond to.

He only cares about one thing.

"Princess Lingyi, is there a cure for my prince's disease? I hope you can cure him, because if this matter is discovered by someone who is interested, the prince will definitely be unlucky."

Yun Qianyu did not speak, but listened attentively to the movement in the room. She couldn't help but feel surprised that she didn't even hear the movement for a while.

"Why there is no movement at all."

Bai Yao's face changed, and he quickly rushed to open the door and rushed in.

Yun Qianyu also rushed in. The small room was not only small, but the windows were all surrounded by black curtains, forming a closed space.

As soon as Bai Yao entered, he lit the oil lamp in the corner of the small room.

Yun Qianyu suddenly saw Xiao Jiuyuan who was shrinking in the corner, Xiao Jiuyuan was completely unconscious.

His face was full of cold sweat, his face was pale, without a trace of blood, and he looked exceptionally bad.

Yun Qianyu hurriedly stepped forward to get his pulse for him, and found that his heartbeat was particularly fast, his pulse was very chaotic, and his body was still trembling. Yun Qianyu quickly took out the silver needle and plunged it into Xiao Jiuyuan's acupuncture point for first aid.

Soon Xiao Jiuyuan calmed down and slowly opened his eyes to look at Yun Qianyu.

"What's wrong with me."

"It's not a disease. It's a psychological disease. It's a disease caused by your fall in the cliff."

"Is there a cure?"

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