Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 590: Free for your dispatch

Yun Qianyu is strange. This guy has always been in a good mood, but today he is in a bad mood.

But as a friend, she should still care about him.

"Why are you in a bad mood? Who offended you?"

"Xiao Jiuyuan sent his subordinates to destroy my Magic Shadow Palace for several points."

Of course, this wasn't the reason for his depressed mood. The reason for his depressed mood was that Yun Qianyu had gone to Prince Li's mansion before. After hearing that she had come out of Prince Li's mansion, the expression on her face was not as cold as before.

Could it be that she and Xiao Jiuyuan are reconciled.

Thinking of this, Feng Wuya felt a deep crisis in his heart.

So he decided that he would live in Prince Ann's Mansion.

Feng Wuya thought, looking up at Yun Qianyu, and said solemnly: "Feather, I have no place to live. The stronghold in the capital is basically destroyed by Xiao Jiuyuan. Can you take me in?"

Yun Qianyu raised her eyebrows, she knew Xiao Jiuyuan's ability, and he never suffered.

Feng Wuya had previously gone to Xiao Jiuyuan's palace to make trouble, and according to Xiao Jiuyuan's temperament, he would not fail to deal with him.

But why his points were ruined, he would live with her.

"No. I think if you want to find a place to live, you will definitely find it."

But there is no you in those places, he just wants to stay by her side, watch her, and not let Xiao Jiuyuan come near.

Feng Wuya thought gloomily, and at the same time he felt cruel in his heart.

He must quicken his pace to get closer to Feather's heart.

"Feather, didn't you say that we are friends? Shouldn't friends help each other? What happened to my stay in this big place like Prince An's Mansion?"

Yun Qianyu squinted at Feng Wuya, and kindly reminded: "My foster father and Xiao Yechen do not welcome you, you are sure you want to live."

"I'm your friend, they don't welcome me or you, hum."

Feng Wuya said fiercely, and after speaking, he looked at Yun Qianyu and said.

"I don't live for free. During the time I live in Prince Ann's Mansion, I can send you for free. What do you think?"

Yun Qianyu listened to Feng Wuya's words, but ignored it.

Because she remembered Xiao Yechen disgusted Feng Wuya.

If she let Feng Wuya live in Prince Ann's Mansion, the two people would definitely have an endless quarrel.

Seeing Yun Qianyu unmoved, Feng Wuya said no matter how excited he was.

"By the way, Feather, have you forgotten the people of the Lingyun Sect? They will definitely make a comeback. With your spiritual power cultivation base and the spirit beasts around you, the people of the Lingyun Sect cannot make you embarrassed in a short time. ."

"But Old Prince Xiao is likely to be their target, so I live in Prince An's Mansion and can help you protect Old Prince Xiao."

When Feng Wuya said this, Yun Qianyu was moved, because there were so many things in the capital right now, she couldn't protect her foster father.

Although Prince Ann's Mansion has a thousand pioneers guarding it, Lingyun Sect is definitely not a generation to wait. If they want to catch a foster father, they will definitely catch it.

But Feng Wuya protects her foster father in Prince Ann's Mansion, which is different.

Feng Wuya saw Yun Qianyu's intention, and then continued.

"In addition, you are at the peak of green power right now. This spiritual power is moving too fast. Now it is best to speed up the time to condense the power of this green spirit. I can fight with you so that your green spirit can condense soon. It’s time to practice again."

"This is a good thing for you."

Feng Wuya's words really made Yun Qian's heart moved.

"Okay, remember what you said, when you live in Prince An's Mansion, you must protect your foster father from being caught by the Lingyun Sect."

"I promise."

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