Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 595: Aphrodisiac

The Empress Empress looked at the madam and the young lady and said.

"I went to the Dongbian Hall earlier, and someone got wet with their dresses. The Ministry of Internal Affairs has just sent a lot of new clothes. The lady or the lady who got wet with their dresses, let's change a set of clothes first."

"Come here, the ladies and young ladies who have wet their dresses and shoes and socks go to the side hall to change their clothes."

In the hall, quite a few court ladies walked out, walked in front of the ladies and the ladies of the head, and said dignifiedly and respectfully: "Ladies and ladies who wet their shoes and socks, please come with the servants."

Your Highness, there are several ladies and young ladies who wet their skirts and shoes.

Everyone came out, and among the crowd, Yun Qianyu's shoes and long skirt were also wet.

So seeing others stand up, she wanted to stand up too, Ye Jia hurriedly reached out and held her by her side.

In case the queen empress makes fraud.

But Yun Qianyu shook his head, it was too obvious.

It was obvious that the shoes and socks were wet, but he was unwilling to change it. This was a direct blow to the queen in the face.

Without any evidence, it is unwise to hit the queen in the face.

Yun Qianyu walked out and followed the maidservant all the way out of the hall, and went to the Xibian Hall to change clothes.

There are many rooms in the Xibian Hall. Every lady or young lady who wets her shoes and socks is led into one room by the maidservant to change her clothes.

Yun Qianyu and Ye Jia also entered a room, waiting for the maidservant to bring the clothes.

When there was no one's clothes in the room, Ye Jia hurriedly looked around and checked to see if there was anything famous in the room.

Yun Qianyu also checked around, but found nothing strange in the room.

The room is not big, except for the incense lit on the incense table in the corner of the house, there is nothing else.

But the incense in the incense burner is not poisonous.

There is no poisonous gas in the air.

Yun Qianyu relaxed and sat on a chair to comfort Ye Jia, who was nervous and restless.

"Don't worry, I think maybe the queen didn't want to calculate me. I saw it clearly earlier that the queen feels very sorry for Princess Yueyue. It is impossible for her to use her own daughter."

Before Yun Qianyu had seen it very clearly, the queen loved her daughter very much, and that love for her daughter could not be wrong.

As soon as Yun Qianyu's voice fell, he suddenly saw three figures flashing in from the window.

Ao Ming, Diaoye and Xiaoying flashed in.

"The master has a situation, we found a man in the queen's palace."

"I saw it seemed to be the prince."


Yun Qianyu's face was ugly, she suddenly thought of what the prince said today when he was leaving Prince An's Mansion.

You don't regret it.

So what happened in the Queen's Palace tonight was the Prince's handwriting.

The prince must have calculated her.

Yun Qianyu's expression suddenly changed as soon as his thoughts fell.

Because she smelled a faint odor in the air, this odor is very faint, and she won't notice it if she doesn't pay attention.

Yun Qianyu sniffed hard and realized what the smell was? His complexion changed quickly.

"No, the smell in this room is weird."

Now Ye Jia's face changed, but she couldn't smell it at all.

"What smell of feathers, is it poisonous."

Yun Qianyu already knew what was going on at this time? The coldness in his eyes kept overflowing, and his fingers shook fiercely: "It's not poison, it's aphrodisiac."

It turns out that the water that the **** spilled on her body actually hid a kind of medicine.

But this medicine is silent, tasteless, and not poisonous.

But when they walked into this room, the medicine on their bodies encountered the incense in the incense burner. The two medicines mixed together, which produced aphrodisiac effect.

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