Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 598: Unrecognizable

In the end, everyone followed the queen all the way to the Xibiandian.

They hadn't even reached the Xibian Hall, they saw that a large area was destroyed in the Xibian Hall.

When the queen saw that the place where she lived was destroyed, her eyes were black and her hair dizzy. She couldn't help shouting, "Stop? What's the matter?"

Many of the prince's men were seriously injured by the shadow. At this time, some of the slightly injured people hurriedly reported to the queen.

"Queen, empress, save the prince, he is in danger."

When the queen heard this, her lungs exploded, but she waved her hand and ordered the **** behind her: "Go in and see what's going on?"


Several eunuchs rushed over, pushed the door forcefully, and opened the door.

Outside the door, Xiao Jiuyuan and Xiao Yechen rushed in first.

The Queen followed closely, followed by Zhen Fei, Jiaqing Princess and others.

The originally small room was quickly filled with people.

In the room, Yun Qianyu and Ye Jia had played enough, just let go, and threw the prince who had been severely injured and was not much worse than the dead fish on the ground.

After hearing the movement from outside the room, the two people turned around and saw Xiao Jiuyuan and Xiao Yechen rushing in from outside with a group of people.

As soon as Xiao Yechen came in, he rushed to Yun Qianyu's, and grabbed Yun Qianyu and asked with concern.

"Sister, are you all right."

Xiao Yechen pulled Yun Qianyu, and Yun Qianyu's body trembled slightly.

She was frightened and hurriedly broke away from Xiao Yechen's hand.

Right now she was hit by the aphrodisiac. Although she was less, she still got hit, so she couldn't stop seeing the man.

Xiao Yechen is her relative, she can't think of her relatives as bad as a beast/

Xiao Yechen hadn't noticed Yun Qianyu's abnormality at all, and he couldn't help feeling nervous as she wrestled away from her hand.

"Auntie, what's the matter with you, is it uncomfortable in any way?"

Xiao Jiuyuan had found something unusual about Yun Qianyu, gave Xiao Yechen a cold look, and said, "Be quiet."

On the other side of the room, the prince's men rushed to the window and quickly uncovered the tablecloth on the floor.

An unrecognizable person was revealed below. This person's face was covered with blood, and even the teeth in his mouth were knocked out, and he was completely invisible.

I don't even know who this person is.

But when everyone saw this person, they were taken aback.

But others could not recognize it, but the prince's men could not recognize it, so they couldn't help but shout: "His Royal Highness, Your Royal Highness."

The queen's face darkened, and her breath became thick.

Your son was beaten like this, Yun Qianyu, you are so bold.

The queen turned her head and looked at Yun Qianyu, shouting angrily.

"Yun Qianyu, you dare to beat the prince into such a human and ghost."

Yun Qianyu turned around and looked over, opening his mouth with a look of shock.

"Ah, is it the prince? I thought it was which eunuch. I was **** and was about to change clothes. I suddenly saw someone coming in from the window. I hit him in anger. I didn't know he was the prince. "

Yun Qianyu said again without waiting for the queen to speak.

"Isn't there supposed to be only eunuchs and court ladies in the empress's palace? The court ladies would never think that the prince would be in the queen's court, and the court ladies would never think that the prince would enter the court's room."

Yun Qianyu's beautiful and smart face was full of confusion, as if she really didn't know that the person she was hitting was a prince.

She was born beautifully, so what she said was unprovoked and convinced.

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