Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 606: gentleman

Feng Wuya swept away the evil charm and charm of the past, and he was indescribably downhearted, and walked all the way to the courtyard where he lived.

The lonely figure makes everyone who sees distressed.

Yun Qianyu ignored these and went all the way to the courtyard of Prince An's Mansion.

She thought that she had been taken away by Xiao Jiuyuan before, and Ye Jia was still in the queen's palace. Yun Qianyu couldn't help but worry.

Has the cousin come back yet?

But when she entered the yard, she asked the little bell at the gate, and she was relieved to know that Ye Jia was back.

Only after she saw Ye Jia, she found that Ye Jia seemed a little uncomfortable, and her eyes were dodging not to look at her.

Yun Qianyu asked strangely: "Cousin, you seem to be something wrong, what's wrong?"

Ye Jia felt even more panicked when she asked her, and at the same time, what happened to her and Xiao Yechen before returning to the house suddenly appeared in her mind.

Before, she and Xiao Yechen rode all the way back to Prince An's Mansion by carriage. On the way, because the look on her face was not normal, Xiao Yechen kept asking what was wrong with her. As a result, the aphrodisiac that was suppressed by her in her body rushed to her heart, making her uncontrollably threw Xiao Yechen down and kissed Xiao Yechen forcefully.

Xiao Yechen was completely stunned. When he found something was wrong, Ye Jia took off all his clothes.

Xiao Yechen's expression changed, he turned over to suppress Ye Jia, and then said fiercely.

"Ye Jia, you are crazy."

"Don't make me look down on you."

Xiao Yechen said that after finishing his body movement, he flicked out of the carriage, and never returned to Prince An's Mansion, all the way back to Prince Li's Mansion.

In the carriage, Ye Jia thought of Xiao Yechen's words, thought of his contemptuous eyes, and she couldn't help crying sadly.

But when the carriage returned to Prince Ann's Mansion, she calmed down her emotions and got out of the carriage all the way back to her yard.

When she entered the yard, she immediately took a cold bath and finally got rid of some aphrodisiac left in her body.

However, Ye Jia knew that in Xiao Yechen's mind, he was afraid of becoming a **** and an adulteress.

Ye Jia felt uncomfortable thinking about this.

But when Yun Qianyu asked her, she didn't want her to know about such a thing, so she would bury it in her heart in the future.

According to her understanding of Xiao Yechen, even if he didn't look down on her behavior, it was impossible to tell the matter.

So she doesn't have to worry about someone divulging it.

Ye Jia thought, looked at Yun Qianyu and said, "I'm worried that something will happen to you, so I've been uneasy, for fear?"

She was really worried about Yun Qianyu, for fear that Xiao Jiuyuan would relieve Yun Qianyu's aphrodisiac, if at this time Xiao Jiuyuan would relieve Feather's aphrodisiac.

The relationship between the two people is afraid that it will become chaotic again, so Ye Jia didn't like this result.

Yun Qianyu heard Ye Jia's words and said quickly: "It's okay, Xiao Jiuyuan is a gentleman, and won't take advantage of others."

"That's good."

Ye Jia breathed a sigh of relief and quickly asked Yun Qianyu to take a bath and then go to bed.

At this time, the night was already late, and after Yun Qianyu had finished taking a bath, he ignored other things and went to sleep peacefully in the room.

The next day, just before dawn, Yun Qianyu was still sleeping in the room.

Little Bell rushed in anxiously, and quickly shouted: "Sister Yun, it's not good, something big has happened, something big has happened."

Ye Jia quickly walked out of the cloak and drank the little bell.

"What's wrong? Yeah, Feather slept very late last night, and is now asleep."

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