Outside the gate of the prince's mansion, the people all muttered in shock.

Who is Feng Wuya?

I don't know, but Princess Lingyi is so amazing, and there are such amazing friends around, so they should be careful in the future.

By the way, they can't spread the rumors this morning.

For a while, no one dared to talk about Yun Qianyu's seducing the prince.

Prince Xiao Tianyu's face was extremely ugly at this time, and his breath was uneven. He looked at Yun Qianyu and kept shouting.

"Yun Qianyu, you still don't let them stop. If this palace goes to the palace to report to the emperor, the emperor will not let you go."

"Hehe, then I will wait for the emperor to let me go."

Yun Qianyu didn't care at all. If her ability was insufficient, she might be jealous, but now she was not afraid of the emperor.

Today, Feng Wuya directly said in public that she was a friend, and I believe the emperor would not dare to calculate her easily.

So the prince, she is not afraid at all.

Besides, she has a reason to clean up this **** now.

Yun Qianyu was thinking, there was a rush of horseshoes on the side of the street, and a group of elite soldiers hurriedly rushed in.

The headed man, dressed in satin robes, and long robes flowing like a cloud, in the blink of an eye, everyone went to the gate of the Prince's Mansion.

A crowd jumped off the horse.

When Prince Xiao Tianyu saw the people walking by, he called out loudly, "Uncle Nine Emperor Gods, save me."

There was no fluctuation in Xiao Jiuyuan's handsome facial features, only a pair of black pupils looked at Xiao Tianyu dullly like an abyss, and the corners of his lips slowly outlined a **** sneer.

Xiao Tianyu looked at him with such a smile, suddenly felt cold all over, then he quickly turned around and looked at Du Jiang.

Finally, his hands and feet trembled lightly, and a heart-to-heart chill radiated from his heart.

Du Jiang, Du Jiang was not caught by Yun Qianyu, but by Xiao Jiuyuan.

So Du Jiang said what he did to Xiao Jiuyuan.

Yun Qianyu will come to make trouble today.

I gave them a chance to clean up him.

Xiao Tianyu's body was weak and his eyes turned black. He panted and shook his head. No, he shouldn't be defeated so badly.

At this time, the person behind Xiao Jiuyuan quickly walked over, who was actually Master Shangshu of the Criminal Ministry.

As soon as Master Shangshu from the Criminal Department came out, he quickly clasped his fists and looked at the prince.

"His Royal Highness, someone blocked Prince Li's car and accused His Royal Highness of robbing the young child. The officer was ordered to search the Prince's Mansion."

The prince’s face turned from black to white, and there was no blood on his face/

He didn't expect Xiao Jiuyuan to set up such a big hole for him to drill.

He can be sure that he must have learned about his abuse of young children from Du Jiang's mouth.

No, he can't let them search the Prince's Mansion.

The prince was about to faint, but now he has a will to come out, angrily said: "Who dares to search."

Xiao Jiuyuan raised his hand and raised the imperial decree in his hand and said: "His Royal Highness, the emperor has agreed to the imperial decree that the king has entered into the palace."

Of course, the premise is that the emperor does not believe that the prince will do anything to rob young children.

What Xiao Jiuyuan and the emperor said was that in order to prove the prince's innocence and not affect the prince's reputation, they must search the prince's mansion, so as to prove the prince's innocence.

The emperor made his decree.

Seeing the bright yellow imperial edict in Xiao Jiuyuan's hands, the prince could no longer bear the stimulus, and he passed out directly.

The subordinates of the Prince's Mansion were frightened and shouted: "Your Highness, Your Highness."

Unfortunately, no one cares about the life and death of the prince.

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