Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 624: A match made in heaven

The faces of Ying Ying and others were equally ugly, because there were spiritual powers around them holding them back, and they couldn't get out to save Yun Qianyu at all.

And the main opponent turned out to be Lan Ling Peak.

This person has been hiding, just waiting for this critical attack.

Seeing that the giant hand of Lan Ling master's spiritual power had reached Yun Qianyu's, everyone's hearts were all mentioned in their throats, and several people at the same time subconsciously turned their heads and wanted to rush over.

This instead neglected the spiritual power he was facing and gave the opponent a chance.

Boom, boom.

Several people were all injured by the black spiritual power.

At this time, the master of the blue spirit peak reached Yun Qianyu's heart with a palm.

Yun Qianyu struggled hard, intending to break through this person's suppression.

It's a pity, but it's useless. If it's not that you have no defense, you won't be suppressed by this person's spiritual power.

Now it seems that she must be seriously injured.

Yun Qianyu thought fiercely, it seems that Prince Xiao Tianyu still has some ability.

She was thinking, suddenly with a buzzing sound, a huge spiritual circle penetrated through the dark night and went straight to the blue spiritual power.

The strong blue spirit subconsciously raised his hand to block, but this block gave Yun Qianyu a chance.

The coercion of the blue spirit on her body suddenly loosened, and she leaped hard and jumped into the air.

At this moment, under the curtain of night, several figures floated like black ghosts, and the headed person was bloodthirsty like Shura of hell. The handsome facial features were cold and cold in the night. Satan is average.

But when he stretched out his hand to catch the person who jumped into the air and fell down, a touch of tenderness flashed across the dark pupils, and even the words he said were intoxicating dark magnets.

"Feather, are you all right."

As soon as Yun Qianyu raised his head, he finally let out a sigh of relief when he saw Xiao Jiuyuan coming.

Fortunately, fortunately, Xiao Jiuyuan rushed over. If it hadn't been for his large array to attack the blue spirit powerhouse, she would be seriously injured if she did not die.

"thank you."

Yun Qianyu raised his head to thank Xiao Jiuyuan.

The corners of Xiao Jiuyuan's lips made a beautiful arc, and his pupils were as bright as a cold star in the midnight.

"Thank you, no thanks."

He hugged Yun Qianyu and came slowly from mid-air.

The two people are in such a fit, like a pair made in heaven.

The man is handsome and arrogant and the woman is cool and beautiful.

Many people subconsciously raised their heads to look at them, and they were dumbfounded, even the black assassins who were assassinated were dumbfounded.

It's a pity that this scene pierced a person's heart severely.

Feng Wuya only felt full of pain in his heart, even his eyes hurt. He really wanted to roar up to the sky, God why, did I have a grudge against you? Did I kill you in my previous life, or why did you have any good opportunities? Give it to Xiao Jiuyuan, not me.

Here Feng Wuya is roaring towards the heaven in his heart, while Xiao Jiuyuan has let go of Yun Qianyu and said with a light smile: "You don't need to do it now, let me come."

After he finished speaking, his figure changed, as if his face changed.

The whole person instantly transformed into the dark night's ecstatic messenger, with a cold and bloodthirsty aura all over his body, and his pupils were full of hostility. As soon as he raised his hand, a black spear was in his hand.

Yun Qianyu had the impression of this spear. When Xiao Jiuyuan rescued her back then, it was this spear in his hand.

This spear is actually a spiritual weapon, or a very powerful spiritual weapon.

Yun Qianyu quickly looked at the double lion spirit ring on her wrist. Perhaps the spirit weapon in Xiao Jiuyuan's hand was not inferior to her double lion spirit ring.

In the dark night, Xiao Jiuyuan's figure moved, and went straight to the strong blue spirit like a dragon.

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