Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 629: A big show

In the evening, there was peace in the Prince Ann's mansion. In the flower hall, Xiao Ling Dang was reporting various news that Yun Qianyu, Xiao Leopard and others had heard from the market.

"I heard that last night, there was a fierce battle with strong spiritual powers in Dongli Kingdom, which caused several streets and a large area of ​​houses and shops to collapse, and many people were killed and injured."

"The people besieged the Prince's Mansion today. Many people threw dirty things into the Prince's Mansion, rotten eggs, rotten shoes, and everything, but I heard that there was no movement in the Prince's Mansion. No matter how much everyone made trouble, there was no slightest movement."

"In the early days of the court, a court official made an order to ask the emperor to send the prince to the tomb to guard the tomb, but was stopped by the Jiang family. The reason given by the Jiang family was that the prince is crazy right now. If he is driven to the imperial tomb, he should be cured first."

The crisp sound of small bells rang in the flower hall.

Yun Qianyu raised her eyebrows slightly. She didn't care about the Prince's affairs at all.

What she thought was the fierce battle between her and the powerful spiritual power sent by the prince, which led to the collapse of houses and shops.

It was she who killed the innocent people.

Thinking that people and businesses are ordinary people, it is not easy to accumulate money.

So Yun Qianyu looked at Ye Jia and said, "Ye Jia, you and Xiao Lingdang will bring some money tonight and secretly compensate those people."

Ye Jia and Xiao Lingdang nodded immediately: "Okay."

As soon as the two people spoke, they suddenly heard a noise outside the yard, and there was a vague sound of arresting the assassin.

Yun Qianyu's expression changed, and he quickly stood up and rushed out: "Outside, what happened?"

"do not know."

A few people went out together.

It's just that they ran out of the room before they had time to rush out.

Under the dark night, a light and shadow shot over like a meteor, and then stretched out his hand to drag Yun Qianyu and left.

Yun Qianyu was taken aback for a moment, then raised his hand and waved out.

But the person who was pulling her spoke: "Don't fight, it's me."

The micro-magnetic deep voice is as pleasant as the rhythm.

As soon as Yun Qianyu heard it, he knew that the person was Xiao Jiuyuan, and his unique fragrance floated on the tip of her nose.

Yun Qianyu must be Xiao Jiuyuan who is pulling him.

I couldn't help but said speechlessly: "What kind of wind are you blowing? Suddenly came out and pulled me, causing me to think it was a bad person."

After Yun Qianyu finished speaking, he quickly turned around and looked at the courtyard behind him and shouted: "I'm fine, don't worry."

Ye Jia and Xiao Ling let out a sigh of relief.

Both people guessed at the same time that the person should be Xiao Jiuyuan, and Xiao Jiuyuan took Yun Qianyu away.

But soon Little Bell became angry.

Xiao Jiuyuan took Sister Yun away in such a black light, what did he want to do?

No, no, to avoid sister Yun being attacked by wolf claws, she still went to her brother.

The little bell flashed out.

Here Xiaoling Ding hurriedly went to find her brother, on the other side, Yun Qianyu slightly squinted at Xiao Jiuyuan beside him, and asked angrily.

"You didn't make any assassins in Prince Ann's Mansion earlier..."

She seriously suspected that this guy made it out, just to tune out Feng Wuya.

Although Feng Wuya has not appeared today, Yun Qianyu knew that he must be in Prince Ann's Mansion, so in order to prevent Feng Wuya from taking action to prevent him from looking for her, Xiao Jiuyuan played an assassin's drama.

Here comes a trick to adjust the tiger away from the mountain.

Xiao Jiuyuan chuckled lightly, his face was gorgeous and sullen, his brows and eyes were filled with amorous feelings, and the accompanying voice was also cheerful.

"He who knows me has feathers."

Yun Qianyu couldn't help but snorted coldly when he listened to his words.

"Are you too boring, what an assassin's drama is all right at night?"

Xiao Jiuyuan suddenly turned his head and looked at Yun Qianyu beside him, with a faint brilliance gleaming in his pitch-black eyes, he said with a smile.

"This king came to you to show you a big show."

As soon as he heard of watching the play, Yun Qianyu became a little interested.

"What drama."

"The play of killing the father and seeking a position."

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