There was a sound of mourning in the palace. After a long time, the emperor made a solemn decree: "The prince rebelled and forced the palace to die. There is more than a guilty death. An edict is issued to the world. After death, he shall not be buried in the tomb."

After the emperor's will, the queen cried out heartbreakingly: "The emperor, no."

It's a pity that no one cares about her.

In the palace, someone soon came over and pulled the prince out.

The prince is a rebel right now, and they can't overstate him.

Xiao Jiuyuan and the emperor told Ann and backed out, ignoring the rest of the matter.

Originally, he wanted to get more news from the Prince's mouth.

But it was obvious that the life behind was afraid of the prince leaking something, so he killed him.

Who is this person?

Xiao Jiuyuan was surrounded by cold air, and his pupils were even more dark.

He will find out who poisoned him.

No matter who it is, he will never let this person go.

Xiao Jiuyuan's heart was furious, but after he left the emperor's palace, his complexion quickly became better because he thought of Yun Qianyu.

Thinking of the previous lingering kiss, Xiao Jiuyuan only felt full of affection in his heart, and he rushed straight to a place not far away.

But when he hurried to the place where he and Yun Qianyu had been, he found that Yun Qianyu had disappeared.

However, Yun Qianyu left a line where they had been.

"If you dare to do anything to me next time, let's see how I clean up you."

Xiao Jiuyuan couldn't help but chuckled, his eyebrows seemed to be filled with brilliance in an instant, and the whole person was dazzling.

Yun Qianyu's ability to leave this line of characters shows that she is not very annoying him, if she is very annoying him, it is impossible to leave him any words.

The more Xiao Jiuyuan thought about it, the better his mood, the curvature of the corners of his mouth was indescribably beautiful.

His joy was felt even by the men behind him, Bai Yao and Obiao couldn't help but glance at each other, conveying what each other wanted to say.

The master tasted the sweetness and was so happy. If that happens in the future, will their life be particularly easy.

The two people were looking at each other, Xiao Jiuyuan moved in front of him, floated up, and dropped a sentence at the same time.

"Go, go to Prince Ann's Mansion to have a look."

Previously, he brought feathers out of Prince Ann’s Mansion. There was only one subordinate by her side. No one else followed. He didn't even bring the Three Spirit Beasts. He was a little worried, because he had arranged to protect her subordinates by his side before. They came, and they are still with him now/

Several figures followed Xiao Jiuyuan all the way to Prince An's Mansion.

At this time Yun Qianyu had arrived outside the gate of Prince An's Mansion.

Her face was full of coldness, her pupils were shining darkly, and she shouted coldly at the dark place behind her: "Come out, don't follow."

When she came out of the palace, she felt someone following her.

Originally, she wanted to take the opportunity to shoot, but she felt that the people who followed her in the dark were not malicious, so she didn't shoot. .

But I didn't expect this guy to follow Prince An's mansion all the way from the palace.

What does he want to do.

Yun Qianyu drank, the person in the dark walked out, it turned out to be Feng Wuya in red.

It's just that Feng Wuya at this time is obviously different from usual, the whole person is so gloomy that he can't tell, his pupils are even more cold, staring at Yun Qianyu gloomily.

Such him is extremely rare.

Yun Qianyu was a little surprised and raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Feng Wuya, what's the matter with you? Is something uncomfortable? His face is so ugly."

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