Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 641: what is this

As soon as Feng Wuya's voice fell, a red light floated in front of them, and the people who came fell like a red cloud, and then slowly took the cloud sleeves lightly, revealing the real face, who was actually a charming and plump body. A curvy and enchanting woman.

At first glance, this woman was the same person as Feng Wuya, and both of them belonged to the kind of people who controlled evil spirits.

Especially for women, the figure is so good that I believe that the man who sees her will give birth to a kind of animal psychology, and I want to overwhelm this woman.

However, after seeing Feng Wuya, the woman suddenly reduced her seductive aura, and she seemed very regular.

She hugged her fists and knelt down and quickly knelt in front of Feng Wuya, and said respectfully.

"Master Demon Lord, the younger one entered the Lingyun Sect before and found out that the old Prince An of the Eastern Li Kingdom was tied to the green wood tree outside the five peaks."

Yun Qianyu's expression became ugly when he heard that, he raised his hand sharply and slammed the tree beside him, "Hateful thing."

As soon as she uttered, the woman in red who had previously reported to it quickly looked over, and the enchanting black pupil appeared thoughtful and inquiring.

Is this woman the Lingyi Princess of Dongli Kingdom? Is it also the woman who fascinated her master?

The red-dressed woman has an incredible face. The master has always liked a charming, charming woman with bright colors. When did she like such a small and fresh woman.

This woman is beautiful but beautiful, but the figure is not full enough, and the face is not dazzling enough, it is not the usual style of Lord Demon Lord.

As for the fascination, it is probably because I am used to eating big fish and meat, so occasionally change to eat side dishes.

The woman in red thought to herself, but there was no expression on her face.

Feng Wuya didn't bother to pay attention to her, but looked at Yun Qianyu.

"Shall we go to the mountain and save the old prince Xiao? But I am afraid that there is a fraud, maybe the old prince is not real at all, but fake."

"Aren't they afraid that we will save people? So the person tied to the tree beyond the five peaks is probably not Old Prince Xiao at all."

After Feng Wuya finished speaking, Yun Qianyu's expression stunned, and he felt that the person **** outside the Five Great Peaks was probably not the foster father, maybe someone pretended to be.

So now they can't worry, go up the mountain first.

"Well, that person is probably not a foster father."

After Yun Qianyu finished speaking, he looked at the woman in red: "Apart from the people **** with the five peaks, what else did you inquire about? Did you find other people **** to the mountain?"

The woman in red is one of Feng Wuya's most powerful men in the Demon Shadow Palace, known as Hong Gu.

In the Demon Shadow Palace, apart from Feng Wuya, the most authoritative figure has always been respected.

Originally, she was dealing with matters in the Demon Shadow Palace at the moment, and didn't want to receive a secret letter from the master, so she immediately rushed to Lingyun Sect to investigate the whereabouts of Old Prince Xiao.

She took two of her subordinates to Ling Yunzong to inquire about the whereabouts of Old Prince Xiao.

Originally, Hong Gu was not too happy to mix up this matter, because their Magic Shadow Palace and Ling Yunzong had always been well watered.

Although the Lingyun Sect is powerful, he is very polite to the Demon Shadow Palace.

My Lord Lord now, because of a woman, was involved in the incident of the Lingyun School.

If you let the people of Lingyun Sect know, I'm afraid they won't do well.

Hong Gu was very tired of Yun Qianyu in her heart. At the same time, she classified Yun Qianyu as a person who relied on female beauty. Because she was a little beautiful, she used beauty to confuse men to do things for her.

what is this.

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