Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 658: Not crazy or evil

Yun Qianyu held Xiao Jiuyuan's hand and looked up at him.

At this moment, her mind finally relaxed.

Although she has always been strong and not afraid of anyone, she is a girl, and she also wants someone to rely on, a mountain where she can rest when she is tired.

Just like before, she saw the black tower falling from the sky, and her heart panicked and frightened for a moment.

I really want someone to appear next to her and say, "Don't be afraid, I am here."

Originally, she thought that person would be Feng Wuya, but he chose Xiaoling Ding at the last moment.

Although he was not wrong in saving his sister, her heart was still cold.

She never dreamed that Xiao Jiuyuan would come at the last moment and rush in without hesitation.

Now she stayed by his side, even if the two died together.

She is not so scared anymore.

Yun Qianyu thought about shook Xiao Jiuyuan's hand, and said softly, "I'm fine."

Xiao Jiuyuan let out a sigh of relief when she said this, and at the same time a tenderness surged in his heart, at least he took her hand and protected her, and did not let her be suppressed by the black tower alone.

Xiao Jiuyuan said quickly as he thought about it: "Come on, we two will carry our spiritual power to resist the black tower and see if we can fight back."

"it is good."

Yun Qianyu responded and raised his hand with a burst of spiritual power and blasted out.

Xiao Jiuyuan immediately blasted out the blue spirit's light, and the two spiritual powers merged and collided with the black tower above his head.

It's a pity that the two spirit powers crashed out, and there was no response, only the humming sound continued.

Then it returned to calm.

Xiao Jiuyuan couldn't help raising his eyebrows and whispered: "What kind of ghost is this."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the loud laughter of Lingyunzong's lord Ye Qiuluan: "Haha, Yun Qianyu, aren't you very capable? How does it feel to be in the Black Devil Tower now?"

When she said nothing, she continued with a steep order: "Come here, send the Black Demon Tower into the alchemy furnace for refining, I want to see how capable she is and can turn over."

Ye Qiuluan let out a cry. Someone had picked up the black magic tower and sent it to the alchemy room to practice.

On the square outside Wufeng, Feng Wuya naturally heard Ye Qiuluan's words, his expression horribly ugly.

Especially when he thought of the dark light he had seen before rushing into the black tower, if he had guessed well.

The dark glow was actually a person, Xiao Jiuyuan.

Xiao Jiuyuan rushed over at the last moment and rushed into the black tower without hesitation.

When Feng Wuya thought of this, his whole body fell into a crazy state.

Because he knew that this time he was really going to lose the people he cared about.


Feng Wuya's red clothes wins blood, and his black pupils are full of blood. At this time, he is like a mad demon, killing him.

In the square of Lingyun Sect, the screams continued.

Sect Master Ye Qiuluan of the Lingyun Sect looked very ugly, and shouted: "Feng Wuya, your Demon Shadow Palace is so bold that you ran to my Lingyun Sect to kill people. Today I will let you die without a place to be buried. ."

Ye Qiuluan's figure flashed and fought Feng Wuya.

At the same time, Feng Wuya's men joined the battle.

For a time, there was a poke on the square outside Wufeng.

Shadow and Ye Jia firmly carried out Yun Qianyu's intention and rescued Xiao Lingfeng from the chaos to the most secret place outside Wufeng.

Ye Jia wanted to turn around to find Yun Qianyu, but was stopped by someone.

The person who stopped her was actually Xiao Yechen who had always avoided her.

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