Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 665: Tower crack

The two were talking, and the little parrot on one side called out: "Go, go, the tower is broken, and it's so hot."

Xiao Jiuyuan also felt the heat very fierce. It seemed that they had to speed up their preparations for breaking the tower, or else they would be buried in the pill furnace before they broke the Black Devil Tower.


The two people moved straight to the third floor.

Here, Xiao Jiuyuan and Yun Qianyu are breaking the black magic tower.

Outside Feng Wuya brought the subordinates of the Demon Shadow Palace and Lingyunzong's subordinates into a battle, and in the end both suffered casualties.

Feng Wuya himself also suffered serious injuries, was rescued by his subordinates Hong Gu and others, and quickly hid in the Ghost King Peak.

This time the two major forces are fighting.

The casualties were very heavy.

Although Ye Qiuluan, the lord of the Lingyun Sect, did not suffer any serious injuries, but seeing Feng Wuya ruining several places in the Lingyun Sect and hurting a lot of her people, she felt the hatred in her heart.

I wanted to kill Feng Wuya, but it was a pity that Feng Wuya was taken away by the men of the Demon Shadow Palace.

Ye Qiuluan waved his hand fiercely and ordered: "Search me, search all over the mountain, and never let Feng Wuya go. I'm going to smash him into pieces."

As soon as Ye Qiuluan's words fell, a person from the Lingyun Sect's alchemy room rushed over not far away.

The person who came was the Lingyunzong's alchemist, and the alchemist screamed as soon as he appeared.

"Sect Master, it's not good, the Black Demon Tower shattered in the alchemy furnace."

"Broken? How could it be possible."

The Black Demon Tower is an important spiritual weapon in Ye Qiuluan's hands. In any case, she didn't want anything to happen to the Black Demon Tower.

When I heard this, my face changed.

At the same time, she remembered one thing, there are demons in the Black Demon Tower, and if the demons are killed, the Tower will be destroyed.

Could it be that Yun Qianyu has killed the demons in the tower.

"Is the tower all broken?"

"No, only two floors were broken."

As soon as the alchemist's words fell, Ye Qiuluan shook his hand and said fiercely: "Is this woman so capable? She can even destroy two floors of the Black Devil Tower. Damn it."

As soon as Ye Qiuluan finished speaking, her eldest disciple Mu Lengxi quickly said: "Sect Master, I saw someone rushing into the Black Devil Tower earlier. It is very likely that some powerful people helped Yun Qianyu."

As soon as Mu Lengxi's words fell, Ye Ziyan's face on her side changed, and she quickly said, "That person must be Xiao Jiuyuan, it must be him."

Only he has such a powerful ability to destroy the Black Magic Tower.

Thinking of that man was willing to enter the Black Devil Tower for Yun Qianyu.

Ye Ziyan hates Yun Qianyu even more, damn, **** that woman.

Ye Ziyan's eyes were blood red, and she wanted to kill Yun Qianyu.

Ye Qiuluan looked ugly, and ordered to go down: "Go, go to the pill room."

A group of people quickly transferred to Lingyunzong's alchemy room.

As soon as they entered, they saw an alchemist walking out in a panic in the alchemy room. When they looked up and saw Ye Qiuluan and others, they quickly said: "Sect Master, the third floor of the Black Demon Tower is also shattered. "


Ye Qiuluan's face was distorted. The Black Devil Tower was her important spiritual weapon. Generally, no one would die with this object.

But now when I arrived at Yun Qianyu, she actually destroyed her Black Devil Tower.

"Keep staring."

Ye Qiuluan said angrily, Yao Zhi's face was full of fierce light.

"Yes, Lord Sovereign."

The alchemist has never seen Sect Master Qi Cheng like this.

Because of Ye Qiuluan's anger, no one dared to speak.

The first peak owner hurriedly moved the bench and let Ye Qiuluan sit on the chair and wait.

Everyone else stood behind her properly, waiting for the next situation in the Black Magic Tower.

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