Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 673: Trapped in mud

Because Yun Qianyu was sitting on Xiao Jiuyuan's shoulders, he only had his legs and feet in the water, which was fine.

But when she saw Xiao Jiuyuan soaking in the water, she couldn't help feeling sad.

Thinking that he entered the Black Devil Tower because of her, and also because of her, he entered the secret path institution, if something happened to him.

She will be very sad.

Yun Qianyu thought, staring at the top of his head in the same way.

She wanted to see where the place where Ye Ziyan opened, and whether the secret tunnel agency was nearby.

Xiao Jiuyuan's eyes flashed with weird waves, and when he flipped his fingers, a burst of spiritual power condensed on his fingertips.

He had already decided in secret, as long as Ye Ziyan opened the hole, he would use his spiritual power to destroy the place in one fell swoop and send the feathers up.

Xiao Jiuyuan's thoughts did not let Yun Qianyu know, if Yun Qianyu knew, he would never leave him alone.

The two people have their own thoughts, and they hold their heads together.

Almost in the blink of an eye, a small hole suddenly appeared on the rock wall above his head, and moonlight came in from the entrance of the hole.

It shows that it is night.

Ye Ziyan's face appeared above the entrance of the cave. She looked inside and asked again and again: "You kill her, kill her and I will rescue you."

As soon as Ye Ziyan finished speaking, Xiao Jiuyuan raised his hand and waved a thick blue spirit out.

The rumbling noise continued.

At the same time, Ye Ziyan's screams also sounded: "Ahhhh."

Spiritual power bombed the entrance of the cave, and in the secret road, violently shaking, countless organs were activated because of this sudden attack.

In the underground chamber, there was fierce turbulence, and huge rubble fell down like quicksand.

And Xiao Jiuyuan's spiritual power has exploded a hole.

With a strong throw, Xiao Jiuyuan threw Yun Qianyu's body out of the hole.

At the same time he yelled: "Feather, quickly use spiritual power and rush out."

Yun Qianyu's figure moved, she used her spiritual power and rushed out. Just halfway through her rush, she suddenly thought of Xiao Jiuyuan under the cave wall.

Looking back quickly, she saw Xiao Jiuyuan's body slumping rapidly, going straight into the sand flow.

Obviously, he was caught in the organ, and there seemed to be something in the underground that attracted him.

Yun Qianyu turned around and went to pull Xiao Jiuyuan.

Xiao Jiuyuan's expression changed drastically, and he shouted, "Quickly."

How can Yun Qianyu go.

Just at this moment, a red dress floated over his head, and the people who came were Feng Wuya and others.

As soon as Feng Wuya saw this situation, his figure fluttered over, and he stretched out his hand to grab Yun Qianyu.

Yun Qianyu turned around and saw Feng Wuya.

As if a drowning person saw the driftwood, she grabbed Feng Wuya's hand and shouted.

"Feng Wuya, save him, save him."

Feng Wuya was the power of Zi Ling. As long as he shot, coupled with Xiao Jiuyuan's own power, he would definitely be able to break free from the underground organ silt flow.

But Feng Wuya saw Yun Qianyu's anxiety at the moment, so anxious, it seemed that her whole body and mind was thinking of the underground man, and she seemed to have him in her eyes.

This kind of her made him crazy, he turned his head and looked at Xiao Jiuyuan who was about to sink underground.

There was nothing but pleasure in his eyes.

Go to hell, without you, Feather would have me in her eyes, and she would be mine.

Feng Wuya thought about this, and quickly turned around to look at Yun Qianyu, and quickly said, "Feather, it's too late, he's already in it."

After Feng Wuya finished moving, he quickly leaped up with Yun Qianyu.

Yun Qianyu looked back eagerly, Xiao Jiuyuan's whole person was submerged in the sand flow.

There is no shadow at all.

The ground was all closed, and there were no traces.

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