Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 675: Mentorship

Thinking of this, Yun Qianyu quickly turned around and ran towards the fifth peak.

At the same time, she released the three spirit beasts and ordered them: "You immediately find Prince Li Xiao Jiuyuan's men, as well as Ye Jia and others, and see where they are."

Not surprisingly, they did not leave, but were hidden in Lingyun Sect.

At the moment, she is alone and has insufficient manpower, so she must be the first to find them before she can do things.

Looking at the master's pale face, messy clothes, and shaky figure, the three spirit beasts knew that she was taut with a thread.

Don't dare to do anything unpleasant to her.

The three spirit beasts quickly went to find Prince Li Xiao Jiuyuan's men and Ye Jia and the others.

Here Yun Qianyu went straight to the fifth peak.

After she entered the Fifth Peak, she quietly caught a person and asked her.

Knowing that the owner of the Fifth Peak is not in the Fifth Peak, but is being held in the prison of the Luoxia Peak of the Third Peak.

Yun Qianyu almost didn't draw it away.

But in the end she tried to calm herself down, and at the same time she silently said in her heart, Xiao Jiuyuan, you must hold on and wait until I save you.

I did not give up, and you must not give up either.

Yun Qianyu thought about asking the person she caught immediately, because this person was controlled by her drug, so she said whatever she asked.

In the end, Yun Qianyu knew from her mouth that the Fifth Peak Master had several very proud disciples, in addition to the big disciple Hua Qixue, there were also several direct disciples.

The second disciples are Liu Qinwu, the third is Wei Yao, and the fourth is Sophie.

These are the most proud disciples of the Fifth Peak Master, and they have a very good relationship with the Fifth Peak Master.

After Yun Qianyu inquired about this, he decided to join forces with these people to sneak into the third peak Luoxia Peak, find the fifth peak master, and find out where the switch of Lingyunzong's underground chamber was after rescued her.

Yun Qianyu didn't dare to think about Xiao Jiuyuan's affairs. As long as she thought about it, she would collapse. She was afraid that she would not have the strength to do anything.

But she cannot give up on him.

He will not die, he must be waiting for her to rescue him.

Yun Qianyu gritted his teeth and grabbed the disciple of Fifth Peak who was controlled by her medicine.

"Go, take me to find your second senior sister Liu Qinwu and others."

At this time, Fifth Peak was panic and chaotic.

The master of the peak was arrested, and the master sister was missing. Some of the disciples in the peak had been born with an external heart, and had already slipped to other places.

The current Fifth Peak is not only disheartened, but also extremely small.

However, even if there are few people, there are still some people who are grateful for the kindness of the Fifth Peak Master, so they stay spontaneously.

At this time, in the main hall of the Fifth Peak, several people were discussing secretly, discussing how to rescue the peak master. .

The peak owner is currently locked in the water prison of Luoxia Peak. Are they doing nothing, watching the peak owner being held in the water prison?

"No, I must save the master."

The woman who was speaking raised her hand angrily and slammed it against the table on one side.

The table shattered in an instant.

This angry and angry woman is Liu Qinwu, Luoxiafeng's second disciple.

Liu Qinwu, Wei Yao and others are called Master Fifth Peak Master, which shows that they have a deep sense of mentorship.

As soon as Liu Qinwu finished speaking, several seniors in the main hall nodded.

"Yes, we want to save the master."

"Not only do we have to rescue the master, we also have to rescue the master sister, even if the master sister is a male."


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