Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 677: blessing

Yun Qianyu didn't know the specific location of Luoxia Peak, let alone the location of the water prison. That's why these guys are needed to lead the way. If she knew the location of Luoxia Peak's water prison, she would never come to them.

"So when do you act?"

Liu Qinwu asked quickly.

Before Yun Qianyu had time to speak, there were footsteps outside the door, and someone rushed in in a panic.

"Sister, someone broke in."

Liu Qinwu, Yun Qianyu and others looked up and saw a crowd of people walking outside the door. The leaders were Xiao Yechen and Ye Jia. Behind them were Xiao Jiuyuan’s subordinates, Bai Yao and Obsidian, and Prince An’s Mansion. Several people in the vanguard department.

A crowd of people walked in from the door and saw Yun Qianyu's embarrassment and Yun Qianyu's injury at a glance.

Everyone was taken aback.

Xiao Yechen and Ye Jia rushed over and grabbed Yun Qianyu and asked.

"Feather, what happened?"

But Bai Yao and Black Yao behind Xiao Yechen spoke anxiously: "Where is our master."

When Bai Yao and Obiya mentioned, Yun Qianyu only felt heartache.

She looked up at them, and said with a heavy heart: "Xiao Jiuyuan was buried in the secret room. I need to open the secret room as soon as possible and find him."

She said.

Xiao Yechen's and Bai Yao's faces turned pale at the same time, and their bodies were shaking.

Ye Jia finally knew why Feather was so embarrassed, something must have happened in it.

But for Prince Li was buried in the secret room, his cousin was intact.

Ye Jia felt relieved, and her heart was very grateful for what Xiao Jiuyuan had done.

If the man is still alive, she thinks he can marry Feather.

Yun Qianyu no longer looked at anyone, she was very cold at the moment, as if she had no emotions.

If she thinks too much, she will collapse, so she doesn't think about anything, just looking at Liu Qinwu, and quickly said: "You immediately take us to Luoxia Peak."

"it is good."

When Liu Qinwu saw so many people like Yun Qianyu and others, he had some insights in his heart, and turned around and led Yun Qianyu and the others out without hesitation.

Yun Qianyu should go out first, and said to Xiao Yechen as he walked.

"I think there will be nothing wrong with Xiao Jiuyuan. He must be waiting for me to rescue him, so we can't give up. If we all give up, can he hold on? So we must speed up the time, find the mechanism to open the secret room, and then Save him."

As soon as Yun Qianyu's words fell, there was a belief in everyone's hearts.

Yes, the prince will be fine.

He has a natural image of his own good luck.

That's right, the Nine Emperor Gods will not die, he will definitely live.

At this moment, Xiao Yechen's grievances and hatred towards Xiao Jiuyuan disappeared.

Because although he didn't see it, he could guess that Uncle Nine Emperor Gods must have done his best to protect the little aunt, so he didn't hate him, but hoped that he was still alive.

If he is still alive. He would wish him and Feather happiness. .

A group of people quickly walked outside the Fifth Peak.

The third peak is different from the fifth peak. As soon as Yun Qianyu and the others enter, they can feel the aura hidden by those masters in the dark.

Sure enough, there are many masters in the third peak.

Yun Qianyu beckoned everyone to stop, then looked at the people behind him and said: "It is dangerous for so many of us to enter the mountain and it is easy to be exposed, so we split up."

"I will bring the shadow in with Liu Qinwu, Wei Yao and others. Let's do something else."

Xiao Yechen, Ye Jia and others couldn't help but yelled anxiously, "Feather."

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