Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 681: Formation

Someone among them yelled: "Where are the water prisoners."

"No, someone saved Mu Qingluo."

But when they rushed into the water cell and saw Mu Qingluo still there, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Someone snorted dissatisfiedly: "I will report back to the peak owner and punish those guys well. I will rely on my own abilities and become less and less serious about the peak owner's orders."

"I think they must have hid somewhere to have a drink, **** thing."

Several people walked out of the water prison cursingly, and then sent someone to guard the water prison.

Yun Qianyu led Liu Qinwu and others quietly out of the third peak.

Yun Qianyu looked at Liu Qinwu and Wei Yao: "You two go back and I will save one person. When I save someone, go to Fifth Peak to find you, and then discuss about saving your master."

"it is good."

This time Liu Qinwu and Wei Yao didn't talk much, and turned around and left.

Yun Qianyu went straight to the location of the underground chamber of Lingyun Sect.

At the same time, she ordered the Three Spirit Beasts to find Xiao Yechen and Bai Yao Obiya immediately.

She wanted to go into the secret room to find Xiao Jiuyuan, but there were too few staff to separate it.

She and Xiao Jiuyuan were in the basement chamber before, and knew that the basement chamber was actually quite large.

In order to send her out, Xiao Jiuyuan had activated the underground switch of the secret room, and the secret room of the underground agency was probably destroyed.

In such a big place, she, the shadow and the Three Spirit Beasts could not be found.

The more people the better, so that they can find Xiao Jiuyuan as soon as possible.

Yun Qianyu gave an order, and the three spirit beasts quickly turned around and ran to find Xiao Yechen and Bai Yao Obiu.

Yun Qianyu quickly arrived at the location of Lingyunzong's office secret room.

The location of Lingyunzong's secret room was built on a small mountain peak not far from the second peak. This is also the location of Lingyunzong's alchemy.

In order to protect the pill room, an agency secret room was built not far from the pill room, just to protect the pill room in emergencies.

Unexpectedly, one day, the secret room of the agency would be calculated on the heads of Xiao Jiuyuan and Yun Qianyu.

Yun Qianyu raised his head and looked at the top of the organ secret room. At this time, Xiao Yechen and Bai Yao had already arrived.

They knew that the matter was urgent, so they didn't dare to delay, and hurried over.

A few people quickly gathered around Yun Qianyu's side and asked anxiously: "How is it, have you found the secret room of the agency?"

Yun Qianyu nodded, then pointed to the place ahead.

I saw flowers and plants on the mountainside, and a lot of boulders in the middle. From the outside, it was hard to tell that there was a huge organ secret room below.

But at this time, there were a lot of rocks on the ground.

Obviously, that was the reason Xiao Jiuyuan had rioted before/

At this time, the mountainside road was quiet.

Yun Qianyu looked at the person beside him and said, "You follow me, there is a small formation inside."

Mu Qingluo, the leader of the Fifth Peak, had already told her that the mechanism was in the formation, and no one else could see it.

They can't see it because there is a formation on it. From the outside, it is the flowers and plants in the mountains and they can't see anything else.

But the exit of the agency secret room is among them.


Yun Qianyu didn't delay a moment, Feishen rushed in, and Xiao Yechen and Ye Jia and the others hurriedly followed and rushed in.

Yun Qianyu entered the formation, walked left and right, and after going around a few times, he saw a rockery made of chaotic rocks in front of him, and the entrance of the organ was in the rockery.

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