Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 683: Gui Xi Ling Gong

However, being so silent about him made Yun Qianyu's heart suddenly frightened.

Her eyes were black and her body swayed.

Ye Jia was so frightened that he quickly supported her: "Feather, feather."

This voice awakened Yun Qianyu all at once.

She rushed over and threw herself on Xiao Jiuyuan, shaking for a while: "Xiao Jiuyuan, you wake up, you wake up."

Unfortunately, no matter how she shook, Xiao Jiuyuan didn't move at all.

Yun Qianyu stretched out his hand in fear, carefully testing Xiao Jiuyuan's breath.

In the end, he found that his breath was gone.

At this moment Yun Qianyu only felt the coldness all over his body.

Then she cried.

Even when she suffered so hard at first, she didn't cry.

But now she couldn't help crying. .

"Xiao Jiuyuan, you bastard, get up quickly, I don't want to, don't want to owe you, you will get up."

Yun Qianyu yelled while shaking, and then she quickly took out the silver needle and pierced Xiao Jiuyuan's life and death point as if remembering something.

"Don't die, don't die."

"I want to save you, I must save you."

But no matter how she used the needle or how she shouted, Xiao Jiuyuan didn't move at all.

He seemed to fall into his own world.

In the corridor of the secret room, Ye Jia and the Three Spirit Beasts saw her like this, and they couldn't express their sadness.

At this moment, footsteps sounded behind him, and Xiao Yechen rushed over with the people from the Pioneer Camp of Prince An's Mansion.

As soon as I saw Xiao Jiuyuan's appearance, I saw Yun Qianyu's desperate look.

Xiao Yechen's brain buzzed, and he was already dead.

Xiao Yechen felt that he couldn't take it anymore, and almost fell to the ground with a soft body.

"Uncle Nine Emperors."

"Uncle Nine Emperors."

Sadness in the secret tunnel of the agency.

The movement here alarmed Bai Yao and Obsi who were searching on the other side.

The two led their hands and rushed over, until they could see Xiao Jiuyuan's appearance clearly.

Everyone's brains hummed.

All petrified.

Then everyone knelt down.

However, after a while, Bai Yao seemed to think of something, and quickly stood up and rushed over, leaning over to check the aura in the middle of Xiao Jiuyuan's forehead, and then he looked at Yun Qianyu and the people in the tunnel and said.

"Don't be sad, my prince is not dead."

"not dead?"

Yun Qianyu was stunned, and Xiao Yechen was stunned. Even Obsidian and others were dumbfounded.

Bai Yao said in a deep voice, "My prince has practiced a kind of tortoise breath spiritual power, which is a spiritual power that can make people feign death. In fact, he is not dead at all. You can touch the acupuncture points on his forehead. , You can feel a little bit of heat here, this is the beauty of the method of tortoise breath."

"He was to let us find him, so he used the tortoise breath spiritual power. I heard that the tortoise breath spiritual power can guarantee him no major problems for three days, and he will wake up after three days.

Yun Qianyu woke up all of a sudden, and his whole body came to his senses. He quickly rushed to Xiao Jiuyuan's body, and carefully touched Xiao Jiuyuan's forehead with his slender hand. As expected, he could feel the faint heat from his forehead.

In other words, Xiao Jiuyuan didn't die, he had used the tortoise breath spiritual power to preserve his physical functions, which gave them time to come and find him.

If he does not use the tortoise to breathe spiritual power, he will soon die in this closed secret tunnel.

Yun Qianyu couldn't help laughing: "Xiao Jiuyuan, you **** really scared me to death..."

Xiao Yechen behind Yun Qianyu couldn't help but smile.

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