Xiao Jiuyuan raised Feng eyebrows arrogantly, "Okay, I will cooperate with you."

"Let's go to the warehouse to find medicinal materials. I will spend a day to refine the alchemy."

It was not very good in alchemy before because of the lack of medicinal materials, but in Lingyun Sect, there was no other medicinal materials.

Therefore, in addition to refining a few body-conditioning pills for Mu Qinglao, she also refines poison pills and spirit thunder pills.

The poison pills and spirit thunder pills she refined this time were all aimed at the spiritual power.

Poison Pill can be dropped in the water used by the second peak.

The Linglei Pill is for Bai Yao and Obsidian, as well as those in the Pioneer Camp of Prince An's Mansion.

If she can consolidate these pills during the day, at night, she intends to officially start the massacre.

After Yun Qianyu obtained the medicinal materials used in the warehouse of Fifth Peak, he began to enter the state of alchemy, and ordered the three spirit beasts to guard the door, not allowing anyone to disturb her.

The three spirit beasts are much stronger now, unless they encounter a particularly powerful master, otherwise ordinary people can't pass them.

So Yun Qianyu didn't worry about someone interfering with her alchemy, so he calmed down and started alchemy.

The pill furnace she used this time was not the pill furnace she bought before, but the purple pill cauldron in her Fengling style.

The pill she refined this time was not a common-level pill, but an earth-level pill.

Because of the ancient alchemy, Yun Qianyu knew a lot about alchemy.

The pill they used to refine was all ordinary level pill, and the pill she was going to refine this time was earth-level pill.

The prefecture-level pill, not only the medicinal materials are rare, but the pill furnace is also extremely elegant.

If you go up further, not only the medicinal materials are rare, but the pill furnace is precious, and even the condensed fire seeds are particular.

Of course, the pill that she is making right now is only an earth-level pill, so it's not that elegant.

However, Yun Qianyu was still a little worried because he had never made an earth-level pill before.

Previously, she was only refining ordinary ordinary grade pill, but now she is refining earth-level pill.

But this time alchemy can only succeed but not fail.

This is related to the future plan, if she successfully refines the pill, the next step will be much smoother.

Next, Yun Qianyu gathered all his mental states and entered the state of alchemy.

The process of refining the earth-level pill and the fan-level pill is the same, but the medicinal materials are relatively rare.

In addition, the pill furnace is also very elegant, because the potency of the earth-level pill is so strong that it will fry the furnace if it is accidentally, so the ordinary pill furnace can't bear it.

However, the purple pill cauldron in Yun Qianyu's Phoenix Spirit Ring was obviously not an ordinary thing, and Yun Qianyu found that when he used this pill to refine medicine, his movements were more skillful and natural.

For a moment, she suspected that it was not herself who was practicing alchemy, but that another person was practicing.

And what she didn't expect most was that the earth-level pill she had made was a success, half of which turned out to be top-grade pill.

Yun Qianyu was very happy because he succeeded in refining an earth-level pill for the first time, and then he refined medicine such as poison pill and spirit thunder pill.

In her alchemy, she didn't feel that time passed quickly.

The day passed quickly.

Outside the room, Xiao Jiuyuan couldn't tell the worry. He had already transferred all his subordinates and the people from the Pioneer Department of Prince An's Mansion to the Fifth Peak in batches to prepare for the massacre tonight.

In the Lingyun Sect at this time, the peak master of the second peak was leading people to search the peaks, trying to find out the whereabouts of the fifth peak peak master Mu Qingluo.

But no clues were found.

Although everyone at Fifth Peak was arrested, these people didn't know the situation of their master at all. Even if the peak owner of the second peak uses punishment, they don't know.

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