Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 847: do not leave me

Yun Qianyu thought for a while and felt that it was better to tell Xiao Jiuyuan about it, concealing it was not a good thing, and even if she didn't tell him, someone would tell him in the future.

So Yun Qianyu told him what happened in Beijing after Xiao Jiuyuan left Beijing.

The fact that Wang Zhonghuai and the Jiang family jointly killed her, as well as the rebellion of Nanyang Wang Rongheng, were said one by one.

Xiao Jiuyuan's body was full of evil spirits, his pupils were extremely cold, especially when he heard that Wang Huai and Queen Jiang slaughtered Yun Qianyu in the palace.

He didn't expect the Jiang family to be so arrogant, it was calculated on Yu'er's head.

Okay, that's great, Jiang family, I can't kill you, I am not Xiao Jiuyuan.

Xiao Jiuyuan was very angry when he heard that the Jiang family and Wang Huai killed Yun Qianyu.

Hearing about the rebellion of Nanyang Wang Rongheng, he was very calm, because he had already guessed it when he entered Phoenix Ridge and the people from Qingping County and Zhuge Jin joined forces to deal with him.

But when Yun Qianyu said Qin Mucang's words, Xiao Jiuyuan was silent.

He didn't say a word for a long time, and looked down at the ground.

Yun Qianyu didn't speak either, she stretched out her hand to press on Xiao Jiuyuan's shoulder, giving him strength.

Whoever does this kind of thing will be uncomfortable, and his own brother will kill him.

Yun Qianyu was trying to persuade Xiao Jiuyuan, Xiao Jiuyuan's dumb voice sounded.

"Actually, I have been suspicious for a long time, but I have never wanted to think about him. This is why I have not found out who poisoned me behind the scenes, because I really don't want to investigate him."

"I don't feel sorry for him, nor do I have any brotherhood with him. He treated me like that. My brotherhood with him has long since disappeared. I just don't want to embarrass the queen."

Xiao Jiuyuan stretched out his hand and hugged Yun Qianyu tightly.

He said weakly.

"In fact, no one knows that the queen loves him more than me. Although the queen loves me very much, she often allows me to be free. Sometimes I think she seems to be a little afraid of me, maybe I think too much."

"But she is different to the emperor brother, she has the joys, sorrows and sorrows of being a mother."

"So many times, even though I worked against the emperor's brother, I didn't actually do anything against him because I didn't want to make the mother and queen sad."

Xiao Jiuyuan held Yun Qianyu tightly.

"Yu'er, there is only you in this world, the only one, the whole belongs to me, so don't leave me, okay?"

Such Xiao Jiuyuan is rare, like an exquisite ceramic doll that will break when touched.

Such him makes people can't bear to reject any of his words.

Besides, Yun Qianyu never thought of leaving him, so he stretched out his hand to pat Xiao Jiuyuan's back and said, "Don't worry, I won't leave you. If the person you love is me, I won't leave you."

"thanks, thanks."

Xiao Jiuyuan hugged Yun Qianyu tightly and got power from her.

He soon recovered, let go of Yun Qianyu, and said with a long breath.

"When I return to Beijing this time, I want to communicate well with him. If he can let go of his prejudices, the things he poisoned me in the past will be cancelled. If he is still stubborn, I will not let him go. of."

Xiao Jiuyuan said that at the end, his pupils were sharp and abnormal.

It is a rare time for him to let go of the person who harmed him. If the emperor brother is still obsessed with trying to fight him, then he will no longer be soft-hearted.

Thinking about it, Xiao Jiuyuan squeezed his hands tightly and said in a deep voice, "However, the Jiang family and Wang Huai, this king will never let it go."

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