Yun Qianyu couldn't help feeling horrified. He quickly raised his head and saw that two black figures suddenly appeared in the previously empty room.

The head was an old man with a horoscope eyebrow, a hooked nose, and a stern and cruel face.

As soon as he appeared, he coldly locked Yun Qianyu, and said nothing.

"It seems that this is the woman the young master married. She looks pretty good, but it's a pity that these ants in the Eastern Continent are not worthy to marry our young master."

As soon as the old man spoke, Yun Qianyu knew that this old man was a member of the Little God Realm, that is, a member of the Azure Dragon family.

It's just that she thought they took Xiao Jiuyuan away, and she should have left too.

Unexpectedly, they did not leave, and they stayed with the intention of killing her.

Now Yun Qianyu can be sure that these people stayed to kill her.

Yun Qianyu was frightened and angry in her heart, but even if she was frightened, she did not show timidity, and yelled at the ferocious old man in a deep voice.

"You even disregarded Xiao Jiuyuan's wishes and took him away. I think if he wakes up, he will never give up."

Yun Qianyu spoke.

The headed old man, the elder Cao of the Azure Dragon family raised his eyebrows and said.

"It seems that you know about our Azure Dragon family, you are not surprised at all, but the matter about our young master is not something you are worried about, you should die..."

After Elder Cao said, he raised his hand and wanted to slap Yun Qianyu dead.

In the room, no one can move.

When Bai Yao, Obiya and several other men saw that this man was about to kill Yun Qianyu, they all shouted in shock: "No."

Yun Qianyu suddenly ordered the shadow guarding in the dark in his heart: "Shadow, throw Linglei Pill immediately, the more the better."

As soon as Shadow received the order, he used his spiritual power to push away a few spiritual power pills and blasted straight into the room.

With a rumbling sound, the Linglei Dan was urged away and blasted into the room.

In the room, Elder Cao and the others didn't guard until someone blasted the Linglei Pill, and their consciousness was stagnant.

At this time, Yun Qianyu, Bai Yao Obiya and others could move.

Bai Yao and Obiya rushed towards Elder Cao and hugged Elder Cao. Then they yelled at Yun Qianyu: "Princess, hurry up, go now."

Yun Qianyu's figure jumped out.

She knew she would die if she stayed, so she walked away.

As soon as she jumped out of the room, she threw herself on Ao Ming's body, calmly commanding Ao Ming: "Go."

Ao Ming's figure moved, and it shot out like an arrow from the string.

The other two spirit beasts flashed to follow Ao Ming's figure, and Ye Jia shouted behind him, "Feather wait for me, take me."

Yun Qianyu immediately ordered Diaoye in a deep voice to bring Ye Jia.

The cousin has been following her, she can't leave her behind.

Diaoye turned around and brought Ye Jia on again, and then did not dare to stop, chasing Ao Ming straight ahead.

Because the shadow in the dark is the peak of the blue spirit, it has strong spiritual power, so he hurried to keep up.

The rest can't keep up.

But at the last moment, Xiao Ling Dang called to Feng Wuya: "Brother, go, and immediately follow up to protect Sister Yun. Remember to protect her and don't let anyone kill her."

Feng Wuya had a good impression of Yun Qianyu, and when he heard Xiao Ling's words, he followed him.

Several figures shot out like a gloomy light. .

In the room behind him, Elder Cao thought he could easily kill the girl.

Unexpectedly, she let the woman escape in the end, it's abomination.

Elder Cao thought, raising his hand steeply and directly blasting the guys who were holding him out.

Bai Yao and others were directly stunned by the powerful spiritual power of Elder Cao.

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