Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 978: Superior

After Pei Kang put down his chopsticks and looked at Yun Qianyu, he said.

"Xiaoxi, you don’t need to fight with Wenjun and Wen Xu. You just need to make them look down upon you. Even if you can’t beat them, you are the best. Wait until your grandpa and they see your spiritual talent. , You know you are great, and the family will train you with all its strength in the future."

"But you don't want to hurt yourself."

Pei Kang cherishes this lost daughter very much, for fear that she will be hurt.

Lin Xiuwan also nodded vigorously: "Well, Xiaoxi, don't get hurt. If you get hurt, my mother will feel distressed."

Yun Qianyu felt their deep family affection, the unspeakable warmth in his heart, a kind of affection called father-daughter affection revolving in his heart, and mother-daughter affection.

This doesn't feel like she hates it at all.

"Well, don't worry, I will be fine."

Yun Qianyu stood up after speaking, Pei Kang and Lin Xiuwan immediately put down their dishes, stood up and accompanied her to the venue of the competition.

The three people were walking and talking, Yun Qianyu asked Pei Kang.

"Father, the spiritual power of the West Continent is divided into spiritualists, spiritualists, spiritual generals, spiritual kings, and spiritual emperors, so how do we generally distinguish their levels."

Pei Kang told Yun Qianyu: "The lowest level is the spiritual being. The spiritual being is to absorb the spiritual power of the space to cultivate one's spiritual veins. It is divided into seven colors, red orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. However, the spiritual being can mobilize the spiritual power at will. , But the power of the spiritualist is too small, so you can only use the aura of a few meters in the body. If there are many spiritual things in the body, then you can use all of them for use."

"The spirit general is much more powerful, and the spiritual power within a radius can be used at will."

"The Spirit King can be used for hundreds of miles. In short, the more you go back, the more powerful you will be. If you cultivate to the level of the Spiritual Venerable, the spiritual power between the heavens and the earth can be used as you like, but that is an existence against the sky. Few people can practice to that level."

When Pei Kang said this, he looked in awe.

That kind of existence against the sky, as long as one hand can call the wind and the rain, too powerful.

Yun Qianyu ignored Pei Kang's exclamation, but asked strangely: "Then what did you say about the seven-star spiritualist, the five-star spiritualist, what's going on?"

"The spiritual power level is divided into one to nine stars, and only after the nine stars can you rank."

"Then how do you tell how many stars this person's cultivation is?"

Yun Qianyu was very curious, this time Pei Kang didn't speak, but directly raised his hand, and sent it to Yun Qianyu, only to see five bright stars flashing in the palm of Pei Kang's hand.

"The level of each person's attainment will be displayed in the palm of his hand, but most people can know what level it is just by looking at the spiritual power cultivation base, and you will know it later..."

Pei Kang and Yun Qianyu were talking, and they were not far from the competition venue.

At this time, someone spotted them, so they ran all the way to the martial arts venue, screaming.

"Four masters are here."

"Miss Brook is here."

For a time, many people looked here, Yun Qianyu slowly appeared in such a glaring light, but in front of so many people, her manner was unspeakable, neither humble nor overbearing, and there was no such thing as facing everyone. Panic and restless.

The whole person is composed and calm.

This kind of her caused the head of the Pei family to narrow his eyes and look at her.

Father Pei didn't take a good look at her before.

From this look, I felt that the woman's whole body was calm and watery, and her gestures could not help but bring the calm and grace of a superior.

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