Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 199 Autumn troops on the battlefield

On the crane, the prince's hearty laughter could be heard.

"You brat, hahaha." Zhu Biao was amused by Zhu Zhen so much that he burst into laughter. He rubbed his increasingly plump chin and said, "Sooner or later, big brother will die from your laughter."

"Oh, it's true..." Zhu Zhen sighed depressedly: "Brother, I won't believe it."

What's going on in this world? Why does it seem like no one ever believes me when I tell the truth?

At this time, a whistle sounded outside the carriage.

"Your Highness, Prince Jin is here."

"Oh?" Zhu Biao stopped laughing, wiped his tears and said, "Tell him to get in the car."

The car door opened, and the handsome yet mean face of His Highness Prince Jin appeared in front of the two of them.

"Brother. Oh, Lao Liu is here too?" Lao Sanma slipped into the car, sat on the other side of Zhu Zhen, and ravaged Lao Liu with Zhu Biao.

"Third brother, you have a very good nose. I can find it anywhere." Zhu Biao said with a smile.

"That's right, didn't everyone say that I was the shadow of my eldest brother when I was a kid?" Zhu smiled proudly, seeming to like this title very much. "Brother, where are you going?"

"Inspecting the guard station participating in the drill on behalf of my father." Zhu Biao said with a smile.

"Really?" Zhu Deng suddenly became interested and asked with a wink, "Will you inspect the Yulin Guards?"

"What do you think?" Zhu Biao also smiled at him.

"Haha, it's interesting. Let me go and take a look, too." Zhu hugged Lao Liu happily and said, "Let's go and see how the two brothers are doing as soldiers."

"Oh." Zhu Zhen couldn't get away even if he wanted to, so he could only nod obediently.


At present, the army in Nanjing can be divided into three types: Beijing camp, pro army and ban army.

The Jingying camp is the garrison in the capital city affiliated with the Metropolitan Governor's Palace, with a total of 48 guards and about 200,000 people. Its main responsibility is to defend the capital. At the same time, it also follows the generals in the north and south, and its combat effectiveness is far superior to that of the local guards.

The pro-army is the army directly under the emperor's control. Including the five guards of the Qinjun Duwei Mansion, there are a total of 17 guards, about 80,000 people. His duty was naturally to protect the emperor, and he accompanied the emperor on his own expedition.

In addition, every year, 160,000 troops from the central capital and provincial garrison stations are transferred to the capital in turn for training, which is called the "ban army".

Therefore, there are about 440,000 troops in the capital at this time, and they are all elite soldiers. If the logistics can be guaranteed, they can annihilate any country in the world.

Of course, not all the Beijing camp and pro-army forces participated in the drill. According to the regulations of the "Instructor Sergeant Regulations", one-fifth of the officers and soldiers from each guard are assigned to take turns to participate in drills every year. So there are nearly 60,000 troops.

In addition to the 160,000 squad troops, the total is 220,000 troops, encamped and training outside Nanjing.

It's really a hundred miles of continuous operation, it's a spectacular sight!


When the prince and his entourage arrived at the camp gate, the three military leaders, Cao Guogong, Song Guogong, and Wei Guogong, had been waiting here for a long time.

The military camp is not a formal place either. The three princes were wearing armor and could not kneel down to worship, so they could only use military salutes instead.

After paying homage to the three His Highnesses, the three Dukes led them into the military camp.

It is embarrassing to say that although his brothers all grew up in the military camp, this was the first time Zhu Zhen entered the Ming Army military camp, and everything he saw was new...

Of course, he didn't see any reason for it. After all, he had only entered the Mingjiao military camp before.

That kind of loose grass-roots team is completely different from the invincible elite Ming army.

Zhu Zhen only felt that the military camp was heavily fortified and densely packed with sentries. Moreover, the officers and soldiers standing guard were all wearing armor, holding gleaming swords, shooting bows and arrows, and drawing the bows to the full moon, as if they were facing a powerful enemy!

Seeing the surprised look in Lao Liu's eyes, the eldest cousin said warmly: "Our training and exercises are as close to actual combat as possible. No one knows whether someone will come to steal the camp at the next moment, so we must always be vigilant."

"Oh." Zhu Zhen nodded. "It's so hard."

"Compared to training, why is standing guard so hard?" Feng Sheng said in a low voice:

“The Emperor clearly requires our army that ‘the cavalry must be good at galloping, shooting spears and knives, and the infantry must be good at bows and spears.’ That is to say, the cavalry and infantry must pass three assessments each.

"And the emperor has strict assessment standards. For example, in bow shooting, each person shoots twelve arrows at a time. Officers must shoot six arrows to a distance of 160 steps; soldiers must be closer, 120 steps away. In addition, six arrows must hit the target fifty steps away to be considered successful."

"If the crossbow shooting is tested, each person still needs twelve arrows. Five of them must shoot far enough. Specifically, it is eighty steps to draw the crossbow and one hundred and fifty steps to row the crossbow. In addition, there must be five arrows. You have to hit a target fifty steps away to be considered successful." Deng Yu continued:

"And this is just the most basic. The standard of excellence is much higher. If you have excellent grades, you can get rewards. If you are excellent in all three, you can be directly promoted from an ordinary soldier to a small flag officer or even a chief flag officer."

"What if it fails?" Zhu Zhen asked with interest.

"The emperor naturally also stipulated punitive measures. For example, if 40% of a unit fails, the officer's salary will be deprived for one year; if the failure reaches 60%, the officer will be dismissed on the spot, and the soldiers will be sent to Guizhou, Guangxi and other smog-infested places to serve. Of course, the opposite is also true, if the unit performs well, the officers will also be promoted."

"Tsk, tsk, my father is so meticulous." Zhu Zhen couldn't help but sigh.

"This is just a simple analogy for you. You have to read "The Rules of the Instructor" yourself to know how detailed your father is." The third brother understands these things very well and can even recite them backwards and forwards.


While they were talking, everyone came to the school field and saw tens of thousands of soldiers training in full swing. The entire school field was filled with smoke and dust, drums and horns were shouting, and the sound of killing was loud.

It is in line with Xin Qiji's words: "Eight hundred miles away, the soldiers are under the sun, the sound of fifty strings is heard outside the Great Wall, and the troops are ordered in autumn on the battlefield."

Surrounded by everyone, Zhu Biao ascended the general stage.

Cao Guogong waved his hand, and the ten messengers blew the horns together.

Then Zhu Zhen was stunned to see that the school ground, where the shouts of killing had been deafening just now, instantly fell silent, leaving only the sound of footsteps like raindrops.

He saw the officers waving flags, and the soldiers followed the flags and quickly formed their teams, and then one team after another quickly gathered in front of the general stand.

The considerate third brother whispered to Lao Liu: "There are no orders at all on the battlefield, so our army uses flags to convey orders."

Zhu Zhen nodded to express his understanding.

Soon, tens of thousands of troops were assembled. Thousands of troops were neatly arranged into dark squares, and they stood silently in front of the general's platform.

This scene shocked Zhu Zhen.

He knew that the Ming army was strong before, but he never thought that the Ming army would be so strong...

With this neat and orderly formation, only another army six hundred years from now can stabilize them, right?

At this moment, he finally understood that the old thief's success was no accident...

ps. Chapter 5, a little late...but I didn’t break my promise.

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