Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 203 The best way to avoid fear

"Scared, I don't want to be a spy." Zhu Zhen shook his head like a rattle.

The identity of a spy is very inconsistent with that of King Xian. What's more, the secret agents of the Hongwu Dynasty, how much blood would they have on their hands?

Maybe when the time comes for the old thief to write "Imperial Records", he will have to add a "Prince of Chu Special Code" to himself. When future generations introduce this book, they may say that this is a book in which Zhu Yuanzhang recorded the sins of his sixth son and the misdeeds of his other sons...

"No, no, no..." He still shook his head in refusal.

"Lao Liu, don't be stupid. Have you ever thought about a day when you would be monitored when you eat and poop?" King Jin asked calmly.

"Of course I don't want to." Zhu Zhen felt horrified.

"If you don't want to live in fear of being monitored all the time, you have to be the one who monitors others..." When he said this, His Highness Prince Jin's eyes became extremely dark.

Zhu Zhen shuddered in his heart. No one knew better than him how terrifying the future spy politics of the Hongwu Dynasty would be...

Just give a few examples.

It is said that there was a Hanlin named Qian Zai. In the tenth year of Hongwu, he was almost eighty years old and no longer wanted to be an official. So he lamented and recited a poem at home, saying, "With the four drums banging and the clothes rising, it is too late to meet at the Meridian Gate." When will I have the joy of being in the countryside and sleep until the food in the world is ready? ’

Unexpectedly, when Qian Zai went to court the next day, Zhu Yuanzhang said as soon as he saw him: "The poem you recited yesterday was a good one, but we don't think it's too late for you to come to court. How about changing it to the word 'worry'?"

Qian Zai was so frightened that he kowtowed and apologized. Zhu Yuanzhang then said, "I will let you go now and have a good sleep" and ordered him to go back to sleep.

Another protagonist is the famous bachelor Song Lian. Once he invited some friends to dinner at home.

The next day, after he gave a lecture to Zhu Yuanzhang, Boss Zhu asked him: "Did you treat guests to dinner yesterday? Which guests were invited, what dishes were prepared, and what wine did you drink?"

Song Lian answered honestly, saying that he had not violated the emperor's rule of four dishes and one soup.

After hearing this, Zhu Yuanzhang smiled with satisfaction and praised him: "You are an honest man and you did not lie to us."

Then he showed him a piece of paper with the names of four dishes and one soup written on it, which were exactly the same as what Song Lian just said.

There are even more outrageous jokes. For example, when the Imperial Academy was offering wine to Song Ne, he was secretly sulking at home one day. When Zhu Yuanzhang saw him, he asked, "Why were you so sulky at home yesterday?"

Song Ne was startled and quickly answered truthfully. He couldn't help but ask how Zhu Yuanzhang knew about this?

Zhu Yuanzhang handed him a portrait, which showed him sulking. Even the clothes he was wearing, the book he was holding, and his movements were exactly the same...

It is said that there was also a minister who was playing horse hanging with his wife and concubines at home. As a result, he lost one piece and two ropes. He could not find them no matter how hard he looked, so he had to sleep.

When he went to court the next day, Zhu Yuanzhang asked him what he was doing at home yesterday. The minister replied that he had played a few games of cards with his wife and concubines at home, but thought that he would have to go to court today, so he went to bed early.

Zhu Yuanzhang laughed loudly and said, "Are you going to sleep because you couldn't play well?" He took out a two-song piece from his sleeve and threw it to him.

The minister caught it and saw that it was the one he had thrown away yesterday. He was so frightened that he knelt down and kowtowed in apology...


There are countless similar jokes, giving Zhu Zhen the feeling of being an old thieves' agent, more awesome than Lubyanka's KGB.

Moreover, they also monitored the kings indiscriminately. Otherwise, where would the black information in "Yu Zhi Fei Lu" come from?

So Lao Liu had to admit that what the third brother said was right, and he was really knowledgeable.

Before everyone was aware of it, King Jin had already realized that the world was about to change...

"Okay, then I'll listen to Third Brother." His Royal Highness King Chu said in a good-natured way.

"Hahaha, I knew that you, Lao Liu, are as sensible as me!" Zhu was overjoyed when he heard this. He put his arms around Zhu Zhen's shoulders to relieve his pressure and said, "You are still young now, and you have your third brother in everything. You are just here You can give me some ideas later, just bang on the drums, you don’t need to charge into battle!"

"Third brother said that, I have nothing to worry about." Zhu Zhensong said with a smile: "I'll have someone draw me a drawing of this place later. I'll think about it and see how to design this monitoring system."

"Okay!" King Jin happily kissed him.

"My sixth child is on the road!"


At this time, Shen Liuniang served tea and snacks.

Prince Jin brought snacks to Zhu Zhen and said with a smile: "Formal introduction, this is Madam Lu, the future shopkeeper of the 'Golden Lotus Courtyard'."

"Good guy, Third Brother is really fast in doing things. We have already given names!" Zhu Zhen held up his hands and smiled and said: "Shen Liu Niang has also become Lu Niang, not bad."

As the fuse of Zhongdu's transformation, Shen Liu Niang's name has already spread throughout the world. Change your identity to start over.

"Your Highnesses, don't you think it would be a bit of a fool's errand to hand over such a big business to a little girl like me?" Shen Liu Niang said with a wry smile while pouring tea for the two of them.

"You are Shen Wansan's granddaughter. You must have confidence in yourself." King Jin smiled and said, "I believe in you and will not embarrass your grandfather."

"Yes, I think it will work." Zhu Zhen also nodded and said, "Aren't you the one in charge of our Hong family class?"

To the two aloof princes, it doesn't really matter who is in charge of the Golden Lotus Courtyard. What's the difference between losing and making money? Is it possible to make money from Jinlianyuan?

It is important that this person is absolutely reliable. And Shen Liu Niang is currently the candidate who best fits this point.

"Well, since your two highnesses have said so, then I will do my part." Shen Liu Niang bowed and bowed.

In fact, she also needs this opportunity very much. Although the great revenge was avenged, her reputation was completely ruined, and the Shen family could not go back. This Golden Lotus Courtyard just became her sustenance for survival.

"Haha, okay. I really saw the right person." Zhu is in a good mood. He has finalized his right-hand man today. Isn't this more fun than studying?

"Although I'm here to be the shopkeeper, your two highnesses can't just turn your back on me." Shen Liu Niang asked softly while pouring tea for the two of them.

"Look, we're in the zone now." Zhu smiled and said, "Don't worry, I have high hopes for this place and will definitely come here often. Of course, not as a boss, but as a young man from Wuling."

Zhu Zhen rolled his eyes and said to himself, "Just be a prostitute. I'm still a Wuling boy... I'm still a Qiu Mingshan car god."

"That's great. With Prince Jin in charge, what else does the slave family have to fear?" Shen Liu Niang happily flattered Lao San and then looked at Lao Liu.

"Don't look at me, this is not the place I should be." Zhu Zhen curled his lips and lowered his head to eat snacks.

"That is true, but I have to ask His Royal Highness the King of Chu for a favor." Shen Liu Niang said.

"What's the matter?" Zhu Zhen asked cautiously, does the king look very idle? They all want to put more burden on me.

"The slave family wants to continue running the Hong family class." Then Shen Liu Niang said slowly: "That is the hard work of your highnesses, and it cannot be lost like this."

ps. Chapter 2, keep up the good work!

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