Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 213 Zhen Ji’s father is a master of basket weaving

"I'll leave the rest to the elder brother, so you don't have to worry." After the prince finished speaking, he pulled him up from the ground with a smile and said, "I will also tell the third child about this. You are all good sons of the father. , the good brother of me and Lao Er."

"Brother, will you tell the old...father?" Zhu Zhen asked.

"Old father is old father, father is father, what is old father." The prince patted his head lovingly and said: "I haven't thought about it, so I probably won't say anything."

Afraid that he might misunderstand, the prince explained: "His temper is too hasty. He will explode when he hears this and kill many people.

"But this marriage was proposed by my father to Uncle Deng. Uncle Deng also always wanted to refuse. Although he did not confess that his daughter had problems, he used the excuse of 'not wanting his daughter to be young'. But our royal family and ministers Time is not equal, and we cannot force others to do anything."

"Yes." Zhu Zhen nodded. This is why the eldest brother has completely surpassed the fourth brother in his heart. As the crown prince of a country, he is willing to put himself in the other person's shoes and consider them from their point of view.

It's just that it's too hard. It is far less satisfying than I would rather bear the burden of the world...

"So I will talk to Uncle Deng privately first to see if there is a better way." The prince said softly: "If not, I think your method is quite good."


The eldest brother took over the matter, and Lao Liu, who was relaxed and relaxed, rode the bull back to Wan'an Palace to write his "The Biography of Zhao Min" without any worries.

I didn't even bother to eat dinner.

"Hey, this kid took the wrong medicine at Mr. Liu's house. Why are you working so hard?" Hu Chongfei said that she was not used to it. Usually when Lao Liu came back, she would eat and drink with her and talk about this for a long time.

"Maybe he was stimulated and knew that his talents were lacking." Miao Shanggong guessed: "I heard that even Mr. Liu's granddaughter is very knowledgeable."

"Mr. Liu has a granddaughter! How old is she? Is she beautiful? Does she match our Lao Liu?" Concubine Hu Chong immediately became energetic and asked Wang Defa: "Lao Wang, tell me."

"As big as our Highness, with big black eyes, a small red mouth, and two small dimples when she smiles, like a white porcelain doll."

Wang Ma is the head of the Bagua Sect, and she immediately put her posture into action and said, "And we are destined to have His Highness. The first time His Highness went to Uncle Chengyi's house, she comforted His Highness and gave him sweets."

"What? Is it so sweet?" Concubine Chong's eyes lit up. "Elaborate on this."

"Hey." Wang Ma responded.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute." Concubine Chong suddenly stopped again, turned around and told Miao Shanggong: "Quickly, bring me Yao Zixuequ."

"Your Majesty, are you ready for the food and drinks?" the personal maid asked.

"Nothing is needed. My son's first love story is the best appetizer." The old mother let out a laugh.

It was so noisy that His Royal Highness King Chu had no idea...

"Close the door, close the door!" Zhu Zhen ordered to close the two doors, and the world became quiet again.

He sat at his large desk. Mu Xiang lit incense for him, ground the ink, and inserted double wicks into the palace lantern to brighten the room.

Studying at night with red sleeves and fragrant fragrance is just the dream of a literati. It's a pity that His Highness the King of Chu is neither a scholar nor a scholar. He is writing a book...

Writing a book is actually the same as doing math problems, the idea is the most important. If you have no ideas, no matter how good your environment is or whether you have red sleeves to add fragrance, if you can't write it, you just can't write it.

In fact, he is not writing a book yet, he is just preparing to write an outline of the story first, and then just follow it.

According to his original idea, it was to give Mr. Jin's "Yi Tian" a new look and highlight Zhao Min.

But if you think about it carefully, it's not that simple. First of all, Zhang Wuji appeared late, and by the time Zhao Min came on, the story was already halfway over.

If I want to highlight Zhao Min, I have to cut off the first half of the book. Moreover, "Yi Tian" is not like "Water Margin", which can be split into complete character stories and can be presented as individual unit dramas.

Yitian is a whole, at least after Zhang Wuji becomes the protagonist, it cannot be separated.

And speaking of Zhang Wuji, how should we deal with this guy? In the story of Mr. Jin, Boss Zhu was just the junior leader of his men, but in the end he stole the fruits of the revolution. If Lao Liu dares to write like this, I'm sure his butt will burst and San Yue won't be able to get out of bed.

And most importantly, don’t forget the purpose of writing this book! The second brother must have a strong sense of substitution, and the character he substitutes must be a pair with Minmin.

But how could a rough and arrogant man like the second brother be replaced by Zhang Wuji, who was even more of a woman than a woman? It's almost enough to be his adoptive father...

There are so many questions that require appropriate answers, which makes His Royal Highness the King of Chu's already weak head even more troubled.

What a headache.

Seeing His Highness frowning, Mu Xiang stretched out her slender fingers and pressed his temples.

"Your Highness, if it gives you a headache, don't think about it now. Let's rest for a night before talking about it."

"Time waits for no one, can you write it for me?" Zhu Zhen said helplessly.

"If this maid is so capable, of course I would like to share your worries with His Highness and let His Highness praise me a few times." Mu Xiang chuckled softly: "But His Highness just carried the maid into the well, and the maid didn't even say a word. I can’t write.”

"Wait a minute." Zhu Zhen suddenly grabbed her hand, as if he had some inspiration and said, "What did you just say?"

"My maid can't write a word." Mu Xiang quickly repeated and said timidly: "Your Highness, do you think your maid is illiterate?"

"No, the previous sentence." Zhu Zhen raised his hand to prevent her from saying what was or wasn't.

"Your Highness just carried the maid into the well..."

"I understand how to write!" Zhu Zhen suddenly shouted, hugged Mu Xiang and jumped and cheered for a while, then he quickly sat down and wrote the outline of the story quickly——

The protagonist is no longer the cowardly and lustful Zhang Wuji, but the second son of Wu Guogong Zhu Yuanzhang - the lustful Zhu Ergongzi.

This young hero, the second son of Zhu, went to war for his father and decided to imitate Chen Qingzhi, leading five thousand elite cavalry to the capital of the Yuan Dynasty!

Along the way, he was unstoppable and conquered eighty cities in a row. But because he was young, he fell into Wang Baobao's trick, and the entire army was wiped out, with only his life spared.

However, the pursuers still pursued him and forced the second master Zhu to a cliff. The Second Young Master Zhu would rather die than surrender and jumped off the cliff...

As a result, the secret book of "Nine Yang Magic" that has been lost for hundreds of years was discovered at the bottom of the cliff. The Second Young Master Zhu has mastered the unparalleled magical skills, and from then on he can drink the soy milk he grinds anytime and anywhere... Oh no, in short, from here on, the story of Yitian basically picks up, except that the protagonist is changed from Zhang Wuji to the Second Young Master Zhu who goes by the pseudonym Hong Hao. .

The story tells the story of the Second Young Master Zhu who traveled around the world under a pseudonym, performing chivalrous acts and avenging the dead soldiers at the same time.

As Wang Baobao's sister, Zhao Min is his main opponent in the world!

"This sense of immersion, can you just fill it up?!" Zhu Zhen was very satisfied and wrote hard all night, and finally fell asleep on the table...

Mu Xiang felt very distressed.

ps. "The Biography of Zhao Min" is really difficult to compile...write another chapter and read it tomorrow morning, don't wait any longer.

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