Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 216 A girl runs away at night

Deng Ming waited outside Zhaode Gate for a long time before he saw his father coming out.

The second son of Duke Wei was attentive and noticed that his father's eyes were red, as if he had been crying.

"Dad, what's wrong?" Deng Ming hurried forward to greet him and put his coat on Deng Yu's shoulders.

"Let's talk about it after we get in the car." Deng Yu said in a deep voice, then lowered his head and moved forward silently, as if he was thinking about something.

After leaving the right gate of Chang'an, I saw only my carriage waiting there alone.

Deng Ming helped Deng Yu get into the car and followed suit.

The car door was closed tightly and he moved forward slowly.

Deng Yufang exhaled a long breath and said: "When we go back, remove the sentry outside your eldest sister's building, and the mother-in-law inside the building as well."

"Dad, then my sister has to run out." Deng Ming couldn't help shouting: "The day after tomorrow is the Holy Birthday Festival, what if at this moment..."

"It's because the day after tomorrow is the Holy Birthday Festival, so you evacuated it for me when you got back!" Deng Yu suddenly looked ferocious. The evil spirit soaked in the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood made Deng Ming unable to breathe.

"Yes, dad." Deng Ming quickly agreed and couldn't help but breathe heavily.

"Then you go to Jiangyin immediately and bring a message to Marquis Jinghai for me." Deng Yu gave another order: "Ask him to help send two people to Goryeo..."

"Yes." Deng Ming looked serious. Putting the two things together, he already knew what was about to happen.

"Father, are you asking for eldest sister..." Deng Ming endured it again and again, but still couldn't help asking.

"Shut up, from today on, you don't have a eldest sister!" Deng Yu shouted sternly.

"Dad..." Deng Ming trembled, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Instead of talking nonsense here, you might as well think of a way to tidy her up a little more!" Deng Yu sighed again, feeling that he had never been this sad after fighting for half his life.

He looked at the bewildered second child and said in a slower tone: "If you are really good for your eldest sister, you must never let her notice it. Do you understand?"

"I understand." Deng Ming nodded as if he understood.

"Go." Deng Yu closed his eyes tiredly.


At night, Caijia Lane.

Cousin Cao was drinking happily alone with a pot of wine and four dishes.

He hasn't slept well these past few days. I always have nightmares when I fall asleep. I dream that after I eloped with my cousin, I was caught by the emperor, skinned, carried grass, and sat on a wooden donkey...

Every nightmare has the same beginning, but always culminates in a different death, and finally ends with waking me up.

It wasn't until today that he heard that Duke Wei Guo had added a sentry post to the eldest lady's embroidery building, and then he felt less panicked.

Cao Huan secretly rejoiced. It seems that she was discovered by her uncle's house. Now she can't get out. Can't she blame herself?

Doesn't that mean that not only do you not have to take her to elope, you don't even have to run away yourself?

Feeling relieved, Cousin Cao was ready to drink two cups and then have a good sleep.

While he was humming a little tune and drinking happily, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Young Master, the eldest lady is here."

"What?" Cousin Cao was stunned and almost swallowed the wine cup. "How can it be?!"

"Why is it impossible?" The door opened suddenly, and Miss Deng rushed in excitedly carrying a baggage on her back.

"Cousin, are you surprised or surprised?" She slammed the bundle on the table.

"What a surprise, what a surprise..." Cao Huan swallowed hard. "Didn't I say that you were put under house arrest by my uncle? My uncle is really..."

Why don't you lock her up properly and let her escape? !

"Haha, they locked me up. But my aunt is so powerful that she allowed me to escape again." Miss Deng said as she unpacked the bag, which was full of golden jewelry and sparkling jewelry.

"You also let me take advantage of it. Is this money enough for us to buy a house and land?"

"Enough, enough." Cao Huan was almost blinded by the shock, and his mind was filled with questions. How did she do it?

After thinking about it, there is only one possibility. The group of people she hired were really awesome...

Of course Cousin Deng, a woman who loves to show off her strength and is full of vanity, would not tell him that in the afternoon, those who were guarding her suddenly withdrew on their own.

Then Deng Ming brought over several boxes of jewelry, saying that her father asked her to choose one to wear when entering the palace, and the rest were kept as dowry.

Miss Deng was originally simple-minded, so when she saw this, she was so happy that she fainted. As soon as her second brother left, she immediately collected a batch of valuable jewelry, plus her original ones, and packed them in a pocket with a tablecloth, which made it a heavy burden.

She couldn't carry it anymore, so she put it down a lot...

Then she knocked out the maid and tied her up, stripped her clothes and gagged her and put her in the closet. She wore a maid's dress and a conical hat that covered her face, and quietly slipped out of the Duke Wei's mansion while it was getting dark early.

After coming out, she called a carriage and went straight to Caijia Lane to find her cousin.


"Cousin, we have to leave quickly." Miss Deng urged anxiously: "Otherwise, when my father and the others find out at dawn, we won't be able to leave!"

"Don't worry, there's still time." My cousin came back to his senses, opened the closet as if resigned to his fate, took out a baggage and said, "I've already found the boat. Let's go directly to Jiangmen East to find the boatman."

The baggage was something he had brought with him when he fled that day, and he hadn't opened it since he came back, so it would save him trouble now.

"My cousin is so reliable." Miss Deng was so happy that she hugged Cao Huan's neck and kissed her hard several times.

Only then did she feel completely relieved. In fact, she had been worried that her cousin would not be willing to elope with her.

Unexpectedly, my cousin had already prepared everything silently. Is this the legendary Mensao?

Miss Deng couldn't help but take her cousin's arm and went out happily.

The carriage she hired when she came was still waiting outside the door. After the two got in the carriage, they drove slowly towards Jiangdong Gate.

Arriving at Jiangdongmen Pier, Cao Huan found the ship he had booked without much effort.

Now is the time of peace, and the outer city gate is not closed at night. For the sake of double the boat fare, the boat owner sailed the boat overnight and slowly left the dock.

[Note: ‘Only for double the shipping fare’ is a tongue twister. You can try it and see whether you will succeed more or fail more]

By daybreak, the boat was already on the Yangtze River.

Looking at the spectacular scene of fish leaping across the river and birds flying high into the sky, Miss Deng, who successfully escaped from the cage, jumped up and down with her lover in her arms, as happy as a kangaroo.

"It's like a divine help!" When she was tired from dancing, she snuggled on her cousin's shoulder and murmured: "Every time comes, heaven and earth work together. It seems God is blessing us both."

Speaking of which, she tasted the forbidden fruit with her cousin when she was fifteen years old, and she hasn't had a second man in the past five years. I also got pregnant and had an abortion for him, shed tears of lovesickness, and fought hard with my family.

She is only nineteen years old this year. In fact, she is just a little girl who is carried away by love.

"Uh." Cao Huan nodded casually and looked at the direction where Nanjing City disappeared, unwilling to look back for a long time.

People's joys and sorrows are not connected with each other, he only thinks she is noisy.

Once you leave, you will say goodbye forever.

ps. I don’t even dare to say that I will write another chapter. Anyway, I’ll read it tomorrow morning. If it’s there, it means I wrote it. If it’s not there, it means I fell asleep...

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